
How do i support the emotional development of children?

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i need to meet the childrens individual needs

understanding of the stages of emotional development

any help greatley appreciated




  1. Listen and react to the children's needs. Some children need more reassurance than others. All need it sometimes. Watch for positive actions and use many positive words with the children. Also let them know that it is OK to make mistakes sometimes and that their feelings are OK to have. Even anger or sadness. It is OK to cry.

  2. Alice Miller is a great source for the understanding of very little children.  She's written several books.  The one which first comes to mind is "the Drama of the Gifted Child".  And for an understanding of our frightening way we have raised children she wrote "For Your Own Good".  There are many more.

    Her take on the world is that we are often unaware of the violence we show to little children.

  3. by constantly encouraging and reassuring those not so sure - by just being there with a pat on the back or a smile.   Words like "great job, way to go, I didn't see that Kylee - great eyes,

    good counting or nice words" - etc.

  4. all kids are going to be different. Visit your local book store and try and get the materials you are looking for.  First thing you need to do is figure out the needs. was the child traumatised in some way? Is there a particular reason you feel the current needs aren't being met?  Spending individual time with the child in their world- I never knew there were pirate pigs trying to take over the backyard and a lion protecting us from the cave (lion was our pet cat, cave is the shed my 3 year old is afraid of) till i got on the grass and went on an adventure playing with her in the back yard.

  5. Go to parenting websites - you dont need to be a parent to view them.  Try this             it a great resource for parents and anyone working with children which list all the different sites.

    good luck

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