
How do i surf if i have to wear contacts? Any suggestions?

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How do i surf if i have to wear contacts? Any suggestions?




  1. Have your eye doctor make those special sports goggles.

  2. I got eye surgury, and I recommend it. But -don't- get "lasik", its got major problems. Instead get "advanced custom cornea"... it eliminates the risk of several severe disabling side effects. I have links for you about that below.

    The unfounded fears:

    The procedure is safe.

    The procedure day is painless.

    The costs:

    $1700 per eye.

    4 days of blindness.

    1 recovery week of severe pain. (includes blind days)

    1 recovery week of very mild pain.  

    The described pain is taking into account the painkillers.

    The benefits:

    a lifetime of 20/20 or better vision.  


    I make no money from advertising this. just a customer.


    ^^^ this is where i got my surgery.

    it's worth traveling and spending a couple hundred extra for your eyes. but bring a family member available to care for you while blind.

    You can contact me if you have questions. :)

  3. Eh, just surf with them in. If you go for too long your eye's turn pink or red, or they'll get bloodshot. Just keep a bottle of eyedrops in you bag or in your car, put a little in when you get out, then when you get home, take out your contacts and wash them. Surfing with your lenses in probably makes them last for a shorter period of time before replacing them (i'm assuming you have disposable lenses you change every week or two), but I was fine surfing all day for a week straight.

    At worst, people will think you smoke. But people generally understand that your eyes are red from surfing. Good luck explaining the salt water dripping out of your nose a few hours after surfing though.

  4. You just have to make sure that you do NOT open your eyes under water. You'll be fine.

  5. Hey im with you umm i wear contacts and i bodyboard almost everday i and occasionally accidenly open my eyes. but like at first and everything u wont feel a thing but then like an hour after your done your contacts will get all blurry and it feels like itll shrivel up. um i guess its ok but u just gotta take em off and not wear em again for like at least 13 hours or so. put them in the container and let the contacts soak up the solution and let it get soft again so yeah there u have it

  6. like you would without them, only with better eyesight. I've surfed for over 10 years with contact lenses, never had a problem.

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