
How do i survive living alone?

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I'm getting ready to move out of my parents house and into my own apartment closer to Dallas...I've searched high and low for someone to come with me (I am NOT resorting to Craig's List) and help pay for rent on an apartment but no such luck.

I'm putting some old instruments and other things for sale on eBay to help get some extra "emergency" cash, but I'm still worrying like crazy.

I'm gonna be going to school AND I was wondering if it'd be a better idea to take a couple classes here and there, while working my butt off to pay rent instead of going full time at both work and school?

I can't stay at home because school is about 45 minutes away from where my parents live and that's a quarter tank of gas wasted everyday.

Also, what kind of job should I get? I do have food experience, so maybe being a waitress? I currently have a job, but I know that I'm not going to survive on the 20 hours a week I get from there.

I just need some opinions and advice from people other than my friends, who have no "real world" experience, like myself haha.




  1. 1st time out on my own I only survived 1 yr then I had to go back home. I was doing school and work. Then I had to go full time and my grades started flopping. Lesson learned if it's at all possible to stay at home I would. You can finish school and find a decent job afterwards. 1 qt tank of gas x 30 compared to a months rent for an apartment, well  do the math nowadays it may pretty much even out.

    If you decide the to go for the work at home opportunities before you click on any referral link just google GPT or PTC, people trade refs or barter with them.

    Bar tendin' gives you a nice side income but will probably only pay out during the weekend (some include thur.)

    Finishing school may give you a slight advantage except for the fact that now you have to work to pay off loans and living expenses.

    Your safest route would be to get a decent paying job. I'm no fan of school (some people graduate from Harvard and end up scrubbing toilets for a living...).Plus I feel like most schools don't really teach anything but corporate etiquette, so you'll end up a slave-wage living month to month but hey you'll have that diploma.

    Life sucks after HS but if you go the apartment route it would be nice to do it with friends, go to school for a while meet some and ask them.

    I got locked out of my 1st apartment for bs application fees, when you rent they're really picky about everything.

    And yes, my outlook on life is that the glass is half-empty on some days I don't even see the glass any more. :P

  2. This might helps

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