
How do i swallow a pill???

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im 15 an i dont know how. ha really i dont. sum1 teach me. ;D




  1. It is definitely impossible to choke on a pill, just to let you know before you take it.

    First, have a small cup of water ready beside you. Make sure it is not scorching hot or freezing cold. Room temperature should make it easier.

    Put the pill (one at a time) on the very tip of your tongue. Now pick up the cup of water and take a medium-sized sip and swallow (as if the pill wasnt even there. Pretend you are just taking a drink of water.)

    On your first time, you could feel like it is caught in the back of your throught, but it isn't. It's just you being a little nervous. It could also be that you gulped down too much water, so make sure you take moderate sips. Think about it: How could something so little get caught and make you choke. It's extremely improbable.

    Make sure you don't leave the pill in long before you drink the water, or it will taste bad. Quick and easy, that's the best way.

    Good luck! I know you can do it!

  2. ahhaah, just put the pill in the back and just swallow water, putting your head up could make it easier so teh pill just goes down your throat

  3. put the pill on your tongue, drink a big sip of water, and tilt your head back and try to make the pill go down with the water

  4. don't worry- i have a friend who can't swallow pills very well either. If you have difficult I advise you use water as well- it'll be handy!

    Just relax, swallowing a pill is nothing to be worried about- if you feel like you will choke...well, I'm sure you won't- you can swallow more than you think! It'll help if you salivate a bit too- then just pop the pill on your tongue, quickly knock back some water and swallow hard, hopefully it'll help you push the pill down your throat!

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