
How do i swim a better butterfly??? any tips??

by  |  earlier

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this was my first yyear on the swim team, and my best freestyle time was 37 seconds, so i guees im ok at that, but i want to try out for the summer swim team. i really want to see a big improvement on my butterfly. im not that good. please help??




  1. I am a flyer, and I went through the same thing. Make sure you learn how to swim it right, making sure you're breathing at the right time and kicking.  Many people find it so hard to swim fly because they have wrong timing for their breathing and stroke.  Ask a coach to watch you during practice.  They will give you tips on how to improve your stroke.  Don't breath every stroke either, because it slows you down.  You're coach will give you breathing patterns and drills you can do.  You could try doing one armed fly (3 strokes right arm, 3 strokes left arm, then 3 strokes both arms).  Or work on your kicking with a kick board.  After you get your tecnique down, speed will come.  But worry about the stroke first. Good luck!

  2. It's easy trust me

  3. I have been on a swim team for 3 years now.I am not a butterflyer but i am a backstroker. my time for a 100 butterfly is about 1:10.00. I am not that good. Some advise that i have is to keep your head low. Don't come up high(try not to make your chest out of the water). Have strong kick(try to practice kicking butterfly on your back). Thats all i can think of now. Well good luck. Practice makes perfect!!

  4. well, always remember that your dive andyour turns are 30% of your race

    butterfly is one of strokes that a lot of people don't like, so if you like it then practice it because it will give you a huge advantadge. I'm a flyer and i love this stroke.

    1. BODY- the power comes from your abs, not your hips so be sure you have a really good dolphin kick.

    2. LEGS- keep your feet TOGETHER a lot of people have trouble with that when they're learning it. Your kicks should be fast, short, and snappy.

    3. ARMS- they should mirror each other. Don't stick them too deep into the water because that will take more time and tire your arms out more

    4. HEAD- keep it still and straight. You should be looking at the bottom of the pool when your face is in the water. Remember that your head follows your body.

    It's helpful to dolphin kick off a turn (for free and back as well) because it will really get you far in that streamline.

    Good luck and keep practicing

  5. to swim better than a butterfly you need to practice every day every single day ok.

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