my parents split when i was 3, i know and it doesn't help she was prego at her wedding. i've lived with my mom my whole life, my dad has been a good boy buys my things i need with sports, pays child support, and helps my mom out when needed. My mom has always had trouble with guys, we have lived in 5 houses this past year just because when she mooves in with a guy she screws up the relationship. today she said be a part of this houshold or move out. i'm the youngest of 3, brothers are 18 and 21, the younger one still lives here. i'm 13. i have always wanted to move into my dads, she says it won't be all sunshine and butterflies when u get there, f u havn't nodiced my mom isn't the micest of the bunch. she even ruined my birthday party be yelling at me and my friends for something supid, i am so sick of her c**p. i told my brother i want to move in with my dad (btw we all have diff dads) and he says i won't be able to. it is true?? help me!!!