
How do i switch parents??

by  |  earlier

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my parents split when i was 3, i know and it doesn't help she was prego at her wedding. i've lived with my mom my whole life, my dad has been a good boy buys my things i need with sports, pays child support, and helps my mom out when needed. My mom has always had trouble with guys, we have lived in 5 houses this past year just because when she mooves in with a guy she screws up the relationship. today she said be a part of this houshold or move out. i'm the youngest of 3, brothers are 18 and 21, the younger one still lives here. i'm 13. i have always wanted to move into my dads, she says it won't be all sunshine and butterflies when u get there, f u havn't nodiced my mom isn't the micest of the bunch. she even ruined my birthday party be yelling at me and my friends for something supid, i am so sick of her c**p. i told my brother i want to move in with my dad (btw we all have diff dads) and he says i won't be able to. it is true?? help me!!!




  1. Hun, you get a switch from a pear tree and start

    switching their legs.

  2. Even if she is your  mother she shouldn't be treating you this way.  Talk to your dad, tell him how she is.  If you think your dad is decent then by all means move in with him.  Maybe your dad will have to go to court to be able to allow you stay with him.  The case should be an open and shut one after the judge finds out how your mother operates with all the different men and all the different places you have lived.  You need a stable home environment.  Ask your dad and take it from there.  If not your dad then maybe your grandparents would be willing to take you in for a while.  Good luck sweetheart, I wish you the best.

  3. Hun, it is true that it wont be all perfect living with your dad. Nothing ever is, but if you really want to and your dad agrees you can move in with him and see how it goes.

    You will be able to move in with your dad if he agrees. Your mom might say no, but you can say you really want to do this, and spend some time with your dad. And just go.

    Worse, worse case scenario she can fight for custody which se will lose, since you're old enough to decide who do you want to live with.

    Best of luck!

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