
How do i take care of kittens.(only few days old)???

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The kittens are only a few days old.

The kittens mother died and iv been giving them milk. when do i start giving them other food and what other food can i give them?

plz help!!




  1. feed them millk and wet food and when theyre older try dry food and if they dont like it keep giving them wet food. i did it with my cats

  2. keep giving them milk. and when they start walking you can feed then wet food.

  3. OK please be sure you are NOT giving them cows milk! Cows milk leads to intestinal distress and can kill kittens. Make sure you have a proper bottle for these babies and are giving them either KMR (which is the best) or Just Born.

    Kittens of this size cannot regulate their body temperature themselves, they need an external heating source. You can use a heating pad, but please do not let them directly touch it. Put a towel over it and make a nest for them. Make sure there is a part of the nest they can go to where they can cool off if they get too warm.

    They will miss snuggling with their Mom, so an old stuffed animal works wonderfully for this. Put it in the nest with them and they will snuggle together with it. I've done this for the litters of orphan kittens I've raised.

    After each meal (they need to eat every 2 hours) you will need to stimulate them to go potty. Take a cotton ball or other SOFT cloth, moisten it with warm water and gently massage their little bum areas until they wee and poo. If you don't do this after each meal, they will become blocked and possibly die. They can't do this on their own, they NEED your help.

    It will be a few weeks before they are able to eat anything other than formula, but the older they get the less often you have to feed them. At around 3 weeks you can start trying to put the KMR in a shallow dish for them to learn to lap up. At this age you can also start to add KMR to wet kitten food and make a slurry like consistancy and let them start trying to eat that as well. But they will make an ungodly mess! So be ready.

    Go to the following site, they have excellent resources on how to care for orphan kittens. I have used it extensively over the years!

    Best of luck to you and the kittens!

  4. I hope you don't mean cows milk. Cows milk isn't good even for full grown cats.

    My kitten came from a litter than was abandoned when they were 3 and a half weeks old so I found out a bit about this from the vet.

    From what I've been told kittens are weaned off their mothers milk about 3 weeks. (Then they will be walking around and all that) The first thing you need to do (if you haven't already) is get cats milk. Whiskers sells milk for cats in the cat food isle (Not sure where you are or if they have Whiskers where you are though) Seeing a vet about this is probably your best bet if it's not sold at the supermarket or pet shop.

    After this they need wet mushy food. Whiskers has kitten food which is pretty good and this is what my kitten ate. They also need the nutrients that come from dry food. Science Diet is one of the best brands and until the kittens are old enough to eat it dry you can put a little hot water on some to soften it up for them.

    I kept my kitten on Science Diet kitten dry food and Whiskers wet kitten food until he was about 10 months old and then he switched the adult food.

    Even after they start eating proper food they will need milk available to them because they tend to make a very gradual transition from milk to water as far as liquids go. Put both out and when they start to drink the water stop giving them milk as much until, eventually, it will become a treat. (I think it took us about 6 months to get him to stop wanting milk 3 times a week)

    Edit: as a side thought take them to the vet when they are 3-6 weeks old or sooner if you'd like. You haven't mentioned what breed the cats are but if any of them are white take special notice of how responsive they are to noise because the vet tends to ask about this first thing for white kittens as they are prone to deafness.

  5. keep feeding them milk until they walk.

  6. Be sure you are giving them cat formula for kittens, you can buy it at Wal-mart. It will have the nutrition they need, they will need to be bottle fed for about 4 to five weeks , then you can start them on soft kitten food. Then work to get them to eat the dry food. Wish you luck , don't forget to  use a wet cloth to rub their tushes with, They can not go potty by them selfs, that is what mom would do to get them to go potty rub both poo poo  place and pp place .  

  7. Cats can make extremely rewarding companions and are usually much more self-sufficient than dogs, but in the early stages of their life, a little care and nurturing is required to get them off to a good start.

    The First Two Months

    For the first 6-8 weeks of a kitten's life, kittens should be with their mother, if possible. Looking after kittens who have been abandoned this early on in their lives requires a lot of extra care and effort and you should seek specialist advice from a vet or cat rescue center if you aren't already familiar with what's required.

    During this time, a kitten's mother should teach it to use a litter tray and introduce it to solid food, leaving the kitten ready to fend for itself, with a little help from you.

  8. Wow!  Props for trying to hand-raise them.  If you're using cow's milk, it's very important that you switch to a kitten-specific milk replacement.  (You can get it at pet stores, but I've even seen it at my local grocery stores.)  It will contain a better formula of nutrients and enzymes than cow's milk, which, let's face it is designed for baby cows, not baby cats!  Cow's milk actually contains enzymes that cats cannot digest, and can cause severe diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.

    At three weeks to a month, start introducing some wet kitten food, gradually replacing the milk replacement.  By 6 weeks or so you can slowly switch to dry kitten food.

    You may want to have a vet check them to make sure they're developing and growing properly, and to get them started on their kitten immunizations when the time comes.

    Again, you're doing a good thing!  Keep it up, and with a few adjustments your hard work will be rewarded with healthy kittens and the satisfaction of knowing you have made a difference!

    Good luck!





  10. If your cat had kittens (before you were able to have her spayed), make sure they are in a safe place, away from traffic areas in the house. Protect the kittens as they are fragile and need special care -- but as long as you approach them with tender loving care, you probably won't go wrong!

    please follow these steps for better care

    watch over the kitterns after their born

    Look after the kittens to make sure they are all getting a fair share of their mother's milk

    Get them used to your smell and contact; this will help socialize them

    Feed them specially formulated kitten foods. Feed them lots of different flavors and textures. When they get to around a year old, they can start eating proper cat food

  11. You should take care of your kittens. Fed them milk with bottle and take care of season also.

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