
How do i take care of my dental retainers?

by  |  earlier

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Do brush it with toothpaste when i brush my teeth?

should i soak it in mouth wash?

Thanks for any advice.




  1. DO NOT BRUSH THEM WITH TOOTHPASTE!!!!! Toothpaste will make them wear out sooner! Soak them in denture cleaner. If you brush them will will be buying new ones very soon!!

  2. Brush them lightly with toothpaste.

  3. this is an easy answer..

    I've been wearing retainers for 3 years now..

    all you have to do is..

    if u have the retainer case.. soak them in with water and put ur retainers in the container..

    Don't brush ur retainers often.. Once in a while is okay, but brush them very lightly..

    Don't put them on the floor because someone will instantly break them if they step on it of course... Use ur retainer with care.. I know I didn't use my retainer with care, but ehh w/e.. haha..

    Warning.. If they break.. you have to pay 250 dollars for each pair.. That's what I think, so becareful with them.. and always carry ur retainer case with you if u go somewhere far away.. =D

    I hope this helps, and oh oh oh.. PICK ME!!! HAHA

    And when did u take out ur braces anyways? oO This is a surprise. :)

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