
How do i take care of my hair ?

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i am 14 and i love my hair its great when it is long and i want to grow it out again-i have dark dark brown hair and i am not really using shampoo and conditioners right now because of all the harsh chemicals in them-so if you have tips on how i can keep my hair long healthy and also have it my whole life please give me your answers thanks. Banner.

P.S. what i mean by help is the following-


how and when to brush it

hats or no hats

diet and exercise

pont tails or not

how and when to wash it

also my dad is bald and so is my moms dad but ny dad drrinks and smokes and im not sure about my grandpa on my moms side- all i know is neither one were very healthy healthy in their life espeacialy my dad so i am trying to prove that its not genes but how you take care of your hair and your body. Thanks Banner.




  1. For answers to this and almost any other healthy haircare question you have join the healthytextures social network. There are thousands of women reviewing products, sharing tips, making hairstyling videos, showing their pictures and more. I have made huge progress growing my hair out using these ladies tips. It's free to join and I promise your hair will benefit.

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  2. hey there :) glad to know there is a guy that like to take care of His hair :)

    well here is my answer..

    to Grow Long Hair As a Guy you have to :

       1. Make sure this is something you want to do. Most guys who grow long hair start from a relatively short style, and hair grows at about half an inch per month (that's six inches per year).

       2. Identify your hair type. There are umpteen different 'types' of hair, but for the purpose of this article they can be classed in 4 broad categories, straight, wavy, curly & frizzy. This step is important as it will affect how you care for your hair later down the line. If you don't know what type of hair you have, ask your parents. Chances are you haven't always had a shaved head, and they can remember what it was like before.

       3. Trim off split ends. Nothing looks worse than a man with long hair with tons of split ends.

       4. Develop good hair hygiene. Keep your hair clean, but remember that the natural oils in your hair are what strengthen it. So, every ONCE IN A WHILE, it's okay to go without washing it. Say, once a month or so.

       5. To Wash: the basic routine for a guy is to thoroughly wet your hair, shampoo all over, then thoroughly wash the shampoo out. Conditioner is NOT optional. Let it air dry. It can also be important to use an organic shampoo and conditioner, especially conditioner as certain shampoos/conditioners contain nasty chemicals that may actually be damaging your hair and stunting hair growth Remember NOT to skimp on expenses for the conditioner especially

       6. If your hair's long enough, put it in a loose ponytail

       7. As your hair lengthens, its type (see above) will become more important. Straight hair is easy, but curly wavy & frizzy hair can be troublesome. If you're growing out hair of this type, make sure you brush it as best you can, to avoid un-untangleable knots. This is a lot more uncomfortable than you can imagine if you've never had an obstinate knot in your hair before.

       8. The longer your hair gets, the more you may need to tie it up to keep it out of your eyes (for whatever reason), good ways to do this are. Just a simple ponytail behind your head. The main downside of this is your hair needs to be least medium length to do this. If it is, ask your mom, sister or a female friend to show you how, it's not as easy as it appears at first. Other ways to restrain your hair are bandannas, & beanie hats. Ways to NOT restrain your hair are: pigtails, hair clips,plats or any elaborate & effete style of ponytail.

       9. Be patient. Hair takes time to grow, and until it gets to shoulder length or thereabouts it will look crappy. There are no two ways about it. Please realize that for anything from a few months to a year and a half, you'll look fairly silly with your half grown hair. But don't be disheartened, the important thing to remember is to be a man about it, no matter how crummy your hair looks in this awkward period, think how badass it'll look when its done! Just blaze it the whole time and forget about it!

      10. There you have it, the manly way to grow hair!

    *****************Also this Are helpful Tips for you :)

        * When brushing your hair you'll get knots no matter what type of hair it is. When brushing out knots, don't just drag until the knot comes out or it hurts too much, this will just damage your hair. Instead grab a handful of your hair BEHIND the knot and then brush, this way you can feel the brushing and it doesn't damage your scalp.

        * Long hair and the wind don't mix. In winter, try restraining your growing hair with one of the ways above, although you may be lucky enough to have thick, heavy hair that's hefty enough to stay down in the wind.

        * If you're thinking about growing long hair and are mostly bald or going bald or with a bald patch... don’t. Long hair and bald patches just look stupid. If you see a bald guy walk down the street no one cares, but if you see a bald guy with two long side patches of hair, people will laugh. It looks like a cross between a rabbit and a mad scientist. The only men who can do it are Benjamin Franklin and Devin Townsend of Strapping Young Lad, and you ain’t either one of them. (If you are, please disregard the above comment.)

        * During the "awkward stage" of growing your hair, try styling it; some guys spike it so it doesn't cover their eyes, and it looks cooler. Don't use gel, it's hard to comb out, and your hair might spike up naturally if you use it too many times; it may be convenient now but when your hair grows, it looks like you've been through a really windy day.

        * Experiment with your growing hair. As it gets longer you're going to need a parting sooner or later, so try and find a good one.

        * Be patient! As stated, growing hair is time consuming. Try finding a new use for your hair – if you like hard fast music, try headbanging, it can be great fun!

        * When your hair is of your desired length,  

  3. wash it

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