
How do i tame my guinea pig

by  |  earlier

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I've had him for 5 days and he's still afraid. He wont let me pick him up and as soon as you walk into the room he runs back into his house. Occasionally he comes up to smell you hand but then he walks around it and goes back into the house. What do i do?




  1. try putting fruits and veggies on ur hands let him eat off u then gentaly try to pet him if he runs away let him and try tommorrw

  2. Give him time and he's sure to warm up :o)  Meanwhile, if you haven't already, put his cage in a less "traffic" area.  It may be the sounds in addition to the new environment that's making it impossible for him to relax.

  3. The same thing happens to everyone. If your guinea pig is a baby, he can get to know you better than an older one. The key to taming him is time. You can't just be nice to him for a week and expect him to to be unafraid. It takes about a full year for you and your guinea pig to form a bond if you treat it well. Some things to speed up the process are:

    1. Coax him with veggies and fruits

    My guinea pigs dislikes squishy foods, but if you give him fresh apples or lettuce he may come out to eat it. At first, leave the food on the bottome of the cage, but stay there until he eats it. he may just snatch it and run back to the cage, but keep doing that, and in time he'll eat out of your hand.

    2. Pet him.

    He needs to get used to you. Hold him in a soft blankie (very carefully and secure) pet him gently, and feed him veggies. (you can do this while watching tv). Make sure that he feels safe and won't fall. In my case, my guinea pig became attached to the blankie. When petting him, stroke the way the fur grows, or it gets very uncomfortable for them, and they'll weird noise. Also, try stroke the sides of the animal, as it is more sensitive than the rest of the body. If it is a english shorthair or a peruvian, brush it often with a pig hair brush.

    3. Be consistent

    The methods you use wil tame him, but if you don't keep it up, he'll be distant again. During the training process, you have to do at least some of these things daily. The more often you do it, the faster he'll warm up to you.

    Overall, the key is patience, love, and consistency. The reward of a fuzzy friend is very rewarding. Good luck!

  4. Try feeding him fruits and veggies every day. [He needs the fruit and vegetables anyways, so you might as well use them to get him used to you.]

    He'll learn to get the food, he'll have to come close to you. Stroke him as he's eating, and talk gently. Soon, you'll be best friends and you'll be able to pick him up. Good luck! =]

  5. aww hes just shy ^^ he'll get use to you guys and his new home someday :3

  6. Mine were like that, too. You just have to let them get used to you and let them get acquainted. If you just take him out and hold him, he will get used to you sooner or later. I know you don't want to force it on him but try to get him out and hold him.

  7. Hes just shy i think you should start hand feeding it everyday to tame it! once it gets used to it try stroking it softy if ur afraid of its bite try stroking it with a Q-tip or a carrot LOL... plus when you know its not afraid pick it up with both hands!Don't forget to let it smell your hand.

    Goof luck! :]

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