
How do i teach 0-5 year olds swim lessons?

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i currently teach swim lessons at a pool i lifeguard at, but i didnt need my wsi. the lessons are each private for 20 minutes. all the older kids i have are easy to teach lessons to, because im on swim team and we work on skills. but the younger kids in having the most trouble with. i have them kick, blow bubbles, jump, and kick to toys, but i cant think of anything else. and most of the kids never listen to me. the parents look pretty annoyed, like they could be doing my job. and sugestions?




  1. You would really benefit from a WSI course. 3 reasons.

    1- it trains you for situations like these

    2- you could probably leverage it for a better pay rate

    3- liability

    As for how to get little kids to swim. It's a matter of communication. the other answers in this post offer excellent examples of drills and techniques. But the most important thing you can do as an instructor is figure out how to communicate what is needed to the child.

    the communication is up for you to decide. the technique for quickly getting a child from bubbles to freestyle is convergence. If they can already blow bubbles and bob you are set. you simply have to get them to blow bubbles with there feet off the bottom.

    then blow bubbles floating on their stomachs.

    then blow bubbles in a streamline position.

    then blow bubbles in a streamline position after pushing off a wall.

    then blowing bubble in a streamline position pushing off the wall and kicking.

    then blowing bubbles pushing off the wall in streamline position and kicking with three big arm strokes.

    then add a side breath

    then add three more strokes.

    the point is you need to make progress with these kids. that's what the parents want to see.

    My brother and I used to tandem teach and we would play games that developed a specific result.

    "chop chop timber" would cause a tree(child) to fall forward onto their stomach in the water and float. the child stands with hands overhead and declares I am a ____ tree. tap there shins with your axe(hand) and say "chop chop timber" and the child falls forward into a front float.

    "Torpedo attack" was played by myself and brother pretending to be ships out at sea. each child had a number. "fire torpedo #1" child would then push off wall into a streamline and kick until they hit the "ship" and sank it.

    Keep making up games that develop specific swimming results. and get your WSI.

  2. You need to get them organised in playing games that build confidence and water skills.

  3. that sounds pretty good. but make sure you are teaching them floats too, while you are doing that though, make sure you do not let go of them and keep there head supported. also sing songs with them to help reinforce swim ideas, ex: the wheels on the bus (with motions ex. the kids on the bus say i wanna swim and have them do "big arms"), motor boat and paddle boat (motor boat your kicking and sing "motor boat, motor boat go so slow, motor boat motor boat go so fast! (have them kick slow or fast) motor boat, motor boat run out of gas.(have them blow bubbles). Paddle boat is the same song but they are doing big arms and replace motor with paddle. other songs would include the hockey pokey and ring around the rosey.(let them know that it is there choice if they want to dunk there head. do not force them to.)

    try to get an aid to help controll the kids.


         i remember when i was younger, my instructor

    taught us by using the floating boards.  we floated on them laying on our stomach, and had  us move our arms in circular motions, and had us kick our feet up and down, (oh, and add little games, like have a competion of who can kick the harderst and best) they will have fun and learn how to swim.  and maybe after some time, you could get rid of the boards, and you could hold them by their stomachs, while they do the motions, and then slowly start letting go of them, so that they can float on thier own.  this one may take some extra time. and after they master those, have them start rotating thier head from side to side, or from in the water and out (you know what i mean) and with practice, you'll be the top kid instructor, and all the mommy's will be begging for your help.

    don't worry you'll be fine!! and have fun!!!

  5. i have to lifeguard lessons alot.

    and for 4-5 year olds  this is what the instructor does.  they have little rubber ducks and then they have the kids throw the ducks across the pool the instructor then takes a kickboard and holds it and makes the kids kick to get the duck. then they have a little fish and u have to blow bubbles underwater to get the fish.  then something fun its called alligator and u sit the kids on the side and have them open there arms and clap them together and screamed rawr then one gets in and u have to keep your arms like that and kick.  then one is u have a noodle and the kids kick off of it and makin scooping motions with there arms. then we let the kids jump at the end.

    b very enfocreful with the rules and ask someone who has been teaching longer to help

  6. The parents probably look annoyed because you probably are conveying, through your words, actions, etc., that you cannot think of anything else, or your lack of confidence.

    Private lessons are tougher than group, because you are focused on one kid for so long.  A WSI Certification would definitely help, because you'd have some training to know what you are doing, and convey that impression to others.

    That aside--you are working on the right skills.  Develop a plan, in advance, of how much time you want to spent on different skills, and try to stick to it (without sacrificing all flexibility).  In the end, it is the confidence you teach the children, and not individual skill, that will teach them to swim.  If you do not convey confidence to the child (and parent), you've already lost the battle.

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