
How do i teach my Dog to not be so aggressive?

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I've had my dog for about two years and i have tried everything to get him to stop being so aggressive when he plays. He will grab my hands with his teeth when he wants to play or when he wants to be pet he will also bite at my feet. How do i do teach him not to do these things.




  1. when your dog go to bite your hand when he want to play cross your arms and don't play with him. He he stops than play with him. Keep doing this and he will get it. When he bites your feet get up and move to a different spot and say a sharp NO Bite. Again do this over and over again and he will realize if I bite I get no attention. Good luck and I hope this helps.  

  2. To start, never wrestle or play with him with your hands... channel play in toys, fetch (fetch is great), long walks and runs, etc.  You can take two approaches:

    When he puts his mouth on you, "yelp" or yell, stop all games, and turn around and ignore the dog for a few minutes.  Dog has to learn that biting makes the game stop.

    This might just make him more aggrivated, and in this case you can take the stance of "NO!" as soon as he puts his mouth on you.  Take a gentle but firm hold of his scruff, push him down away from you.  And stop playing.  Praise for "good" play and calm behavior.  

    Be consistent, he'll get it.

  3. Well if he doesn't bite hard he is not being aggressive  he just really wants to play. i suggest if you really want him to stop than everytime he does that make a loud sound DON"T SAY NO! just say like AAHHAAHH but really higgh pitched they hate high pitched noises and if you keep doing this when he does it he will soon know that he shouldn't do it and will find a new way to tell that he wants to play!

    HOPE this HELPS!!

  4. Training is what is needed.This dog has no respect for you and you need to get with a trainer to turn this around or get into classes,by doing this you will learn to retrain a bad habit that you have allowed to get out of hand.For now grab as many toys as you can and spread them every where that you have contact with your dog,the second he starts to come near you have a toy ready=the second he goes to make a bite=in a harsh voice say "NO" if you do this right there will be a second when he stops =at that moment you shove the toy into his mouth,in a nice calm voice say good boy as soon as his mouth is on the toy.Keep doing this make sure there is a BIG difference between your "NO" and your "Good boy".If you do this every time he will soon understand the difference.Never again play with him by allowing his teeth to touch your skin,do not wrestle with this dog.All contact must be with a toy ready to shove in his mouth along with praise.He is seeing you as a litter mate and not a human who should be in control of him.That needs to change ,get into a training class.Tilks Mom

  5. First of all, the aggressive behavior is his way of trying to control you, to be the dominant 'pack leader'. Remember that dogs still have all their basic instincts, so he is just trying to establish himself in his pack. But as the human, it is your responsibility to be a calm, dominant pack leader.

    The next time he grabs your hands, use your hand as a fake 'mouth', with the fingertips being teeth to grab the side of his neck. Put him on his side if you have to. This will show him that he is to be a submissive member of the pack and that you are dominant. Do not talk to him other than to give a quiet 'tsh' sound, meaning 'no'.  If you talk to him in a kind voice to tell him 'no', that would be encouraging the bad, aggressive behavior, and that is the opposite of what you're trying to accomplish.

    Also remember that ignoring a dog is the most severe form of punishment that it can get. As much as he wants to be a dominant dog in the pack he is still your pet, and he loves you. So to ignore him would teach him that, 'hey, if I'm aggressive, I don't get any loving. This sucks.'

    Simple enough, right?

    However, be careful that you don't threaten your dog. You don't want to scare him, you just want to submit him. If you're uncomfortable with the grabbing technique, simply get up and ignore him if he tries to bite you again when he wants to play. Get up and leave without looking or talking to him. Try this a few times, then the grabbing technique if it still doesn't work.

    Hope I've helped!

  6. Go out and buy a clicker, these things are real useful and harmless.  So the next time your dog is aggressive you just push the button on the clicker and it will stop your dog.  It just snaps your dog out of its aggressive state of  mind

  7. You need obedience and behavioral training.  Enroll in classes today.

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