
How do i teach my budgie to talk! PLEASE HELP! =)?

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i have a male budgie who i adore very much. he trusts me completly and i already taught hime how to wave his hand. I want him to learn how to say GOOD BOY! Ive been playing a little clip from you tube of a budgie talking thinking he might just catch on. Please help..thanks




  1. i had a cocky that couldn't talk, so my dad kept saying everyday in a cocky voice "'ello cocky"and eventually it could say "'ello cocky". so keep saying "good boy" in a budgie voice and eventually it will say "good boy

    hope it helps

  2. you have to say "good boy" over and over in the same tone but do it in a quiet room so he has to pay attention to you and only you but do it for 15 mintues or he'll get bored and not pay attention to you at all.

  3. I had a budgie "parakeet"  that talked.  My dad said the word over and over.  It use to say pretty bird, Chuckie my brothers name,  give me kisses,  shut up bird.  Once you teach him one word, its easy for him to learn more. So you have to say good boy over and over and over to the bird.

  4. Just say the word alot over and over we have taught my cockatoo to speck doing that, its not a full out talk but it sounds like pretty bird and repeat( his name) good luck!

  5. Well, usually your best bet for a budgie to begin mimicry or talking is to continuously say the word that you wish for him to pick up. It was an excellent idea to play videos from youtube as that will also help him and plus give him a little mental and physical stimulation hearing other birds. Just continue to praise him for any improvement or effort he makes in talking and give him lots of love and attention. A young bird like an affectionate little budgie wants nothing more than to please another one in his flock and im sure he will eventually pick talking up:)

    P.s i have researched a bit on budgerigars and I have found that bugies often handfed and raised wtih breeders are often more adept and more likely to talk. usually the mass produced birds found in stores are often to sick or just too wild to be trainable in the art of talking but your doing a very good birdie mom and im sure this will all depend on you patience and willingness to work with him especially if hes a petstore bird:) i wish you the best of luck and here a few links you might want to look at. I have heard that playing parrot cds or leaving a tv or radio on while ur away will increase his chance of talking :)

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