
How do i teach my hamster to not pee in her wheel?

by  |  earlier

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her name is betty and she always pees in her wheel, which is gross because she runs all the time (and i mean ALL the time) how can i stop her from peeing in her wheel?




  1. Don't take the wheel away.  The hamster didn't do anything wrong.  let the hamster have the wheel.  what difference does it make as long as she pees.

  2. u have to keep cleaning the wheel alot more than anything else in the cage.u cant rely stopher thuogh.

  3. i dont think you can,. ONly ways i can think of would make her not even wanna get in the wheel. u guess just clean her wheel every day, Maybe she well learn that when she pees in it, that you take it away fora couple of mins ( couple of mins just to wash it off that is) and she well stop doing it.

    What dose she pee while she runs ? lol

  4. My hamster does this too, i tried everything and nothing worked, just keep cleaning the wheel every couple of days and hope she grows out of it.

  5. Do you have a plastic wheel? My gerbils used to but I had the same problem so i got wire mesh wheel and they didn't pee in it and it's easier to clean then plastic. She won't stop peeing in the plastic wheel if you let her before now, sorry.

  6. take the wheel out for a short period of time and in that time, detect the spot where she pees. then get a litter box and put it in that spot. prevent her from using any other spot by blocking them. eventually she will learn how to use a litter box (which is much easier to clean) and put the wheel back in a week or more later.

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