
How do i teach my pom to walk on a leash?

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I have a one year old Pomeranian. We've never had a reason to walk her on a leash until now. She's quite aggressive towards people she doesn't know and we want to take her on walks every day to somewhat help her relieve some of that aggression and to keep her healthy.

The thing is that we've been trying to get her to walk for a couple of days. We've been putting a thin puppy leash on her and letting her drag it around. We've got her to chase after us a few times; which is pretty good; because before she would just sit down and not move. But as soon as we try to move up a step; such as picking up the leash and gently pulling it while sitting on the ground; she starts jumping around like a maniac. It makes me feel bad because I feel like it scares her so much. We've tried treats and everything; but suprisingly, that hasn't been working too well.

is there another way to help her learn to walk on a leash?




  1. Best thing to do with leash training especially with small dogs like that is to use a harness. Less pressure on the neck, more security, and you tend to have better control over them without fear of them slipping out of the collar or choking.

    It worked wonder when I was training my puppies

    good luck

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