
How do i teleport to a place??

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how can i teleport from my house to my college?

i cant be bothered to walk or take a bus.

not a joke question





  1. sticking your head in the fax did not work??

    well shee-ite

  2. buy a bike.........

    and ride it.

    its good for your health and the enviornment. =)

    not a joke answer  

    your welcome   ^_^ ,v,,

  3. I find the Astro 1219 teleporter works best. A bit spendy but you never end up on another planet like you do with some of the cheaper teleporters.

  4. If you are too lazy to walk or get the bus to college, why waste the energy teleporting. It takes 2000 times the energy of sitting on a bus.  

  5. Take a really sharp knife and run it across your throat, applying a little pressure. You'll be there in no time, drugtard.

  6. Spend about a 100 gazillion dollars to invent technology which does not yet exist.

  7. You can't.  

  8. You say "Beam me up Scotty". Almost always worked for Capt. Kirk.

  9. The teleport ability isn't available until you reach level 99 and find the invisibility cloak of epicness, so go out and find yourself some random encounters.

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