
How do i tell him I'm pregnant? I'm asking in mens because i need a man's point of view!?

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My boyfriend and i have been together 3 years, he's 28 and just got a job in his degree to be a financial adviser for a stock company...anyway he's not going to start making money for awhile, just moved to a different city and we want to buy a place there. however he's not going to be making money and i don't have a job there yet. So right now is not a good time for us to have a child, we had plans to wait 4 more years. Anyway, how do i tell him i am pregnant. I mean how do you tell someone that? Ugh, i need help! We have always talked about abortion, but i am not so sure i can do that. However, i don't want to bring a baby into this world if i can't even take care of myself. And adoption is out of the question for him, he couldn't live with himself knowing he had a kid out there. So what do i even do? How do i tell him? I am so confused.




  1. It's still a leap year. You can suggest marriage. Elope (which you can't do here in Vietnam.. it takes months to get married, unless you don't live here). Then on your wedding night, tell him the good news. Maybe that could wait.

    Use the charm to get married before you tell him!

    Heh heh heh!

  2. Just Say Hun im Preggerz heres a flight of stairs!

  3. there is never a "best time". i've had to do this twice with my husband and we didn't plan either of them. we wanted to wait like you. just bite the bullet, the longer you wait the harder it will be on both of you. he will feel like you've been keeping secrets from him and since you kept this a secret, what else?

    be brave and bite the bullet. one thing i did though was leave the test and the directions on top of the toilet so if you're really nervous and can't tell him to his face he can work out 1 + 1= 2.

    good luck

  4. First, your b/f is SO morally righteous that he can not put a child up for adoption, but he CAN abort it? How f'ed up is that?

    Every thing that you both are and what you want is contradicted by having a child. You're going to have to make some serious choices, which may include giving up some of the things you want, that's all part of being an adult! Some times you have to roll the hard six!

    As for telling him, the best way is to just come out and say it, he's going to do what he's going to do, and the sooner you find out what that is the better!

  5. This may seem a bit blunt but:


    the last thing you want is to go through this pregnancy alone. If you have talked about kids then he should be happy that you are having a kid, even if it wasn't your arranged time. And even if he isn't happy he will eventually warm to it.

    My sister had a child that was completely unexpected... she just told her boyfriend and they were happy... 1 year and 9 months later (NOW) they are just as happy and are getting married.

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