
How do i tell him why i love him so much?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my Boyfriend have been dating for not so long, but in an instant I fell in love with him and vise versa, last nite while we were talking I told him that i think i loved him to much (stupid on my part) cause now he wants to know why i love him so much and honestly I don't know how to tell him. any suggestions?




  1. Think about it first. Sometimes we let our emotions out without thinking about it. Then you can break it down and give him reasons. If you can't break it down in your head.. Maybe it's just infatuation.

  2. er be honest..tell him why.  

  3. maybe because you love him through every emotion good or bad, he is the center of your universe and he is the half that makes you whole.

  4. I totally get you...

    I think its just something you feel and its hard to explain.

    Ive been with my bf for 4 years and we still cant really explain to each other why. Tell him its something you feel and cant explain. I mean its the truth. well for me at least =) I hope i helped

  5. write him a little letter:

    Top ten reasons I love you:

    *you make me smile

    *your hugs are awesome

    *you look after me




    make it longer if theres more reasons but if you write it down it means you wont miss anything like you might If you try saying it to his face


  6. Jus break it down!

  7. when talking about love just be honest and say exactly what you mean and practice showing him how you feel as well as telling him, and when you finally decide to tell him make sure that you are serious and set a mood which will lead into a open discussionand more when you're done.

  8. just tell him what you love about him.

    all men like an ego boost now and then lol

    hope it works out for you x

  9. Well, if he was asking why YOU think it's 'too much' then tell him why. But either way you should tell him what you like so much about him. Also if the opportunity arises ask him NICELY why he likes you. Don't play hard-to-get it just makes them give up, I know from many experiences.

    Tell me how things turn out, TTYL

  10. ok make a list of what u like about him!!read it and say this is what i like about u!!give it to him and say that is why i love u sooo much!and i know it is just paper that has why i love u on it but i mean it that is why i love u just because of ur personality!!:)good luck!!!!:))))))

  11. You should never have to explane why you love someone so much, there is no answer to a personal question like that, it is like asking why high school teachers are so nerve-racking, there really is no decent answer. In your case you should not have to answer a question like that, I like a girl and there may be no reasoning what-so-ever behind it. Good luck

  12. Ok you tell him that he's the best thing that ever happened to you and that even that you haven't been dating  so long that you care for him and ask him if he truly cares about you and that's   all that I have for you hope you guys work out bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


  13. hmm... well girl if you say you love him you must know why...he treats you great i assume and he makes you feel really special,you can talk to him about most things,he must have some good qualities you like about him (for instance he may make you laugh when you feel upset) you may also like his bad your eyes he's just sunshine and you must be happy you found him i doubt theres anyone else like him in the world..haha i'm very sappy sorry =)

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