
How do i tell if my indian ringneck is a boy or girl?

by  |  earlier

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i got him when he was 4 weeks old... and i had to wean him myself... and when i got him he had a very light blue ring around his neck.. now he is 8 months old and can talk and chats wit us all the time.. but hes does this weird thing with his head/neck where he lifts his head and moves his head from side to side.. he still has the ring it has gotten darker in colour.. but im not sure if hes a boy?!




  1. I would look up on like google and type in sexing indian ringnecks.  I have never personally had one before but I am assuming that this could work... Or just take him to the vet and if they can't tell but the way that he looks than they could do a blood test by making a blood feather because that is the least pain way to tell the s*x if you can't physically see it.

  2. The only way to tell for sure if your bird is male or female is to either have a DNA test done or to wait and see if the bird lays eggs!!

  3. Ringnecks don't get a ring until they're 18 to 24 months of age, so you'll have to wait until then to s*x your bird visually. More subtle indicators of s*x are that males have a slightly broader head and the puffy skin around the beak is more visible and stockier than in females. DNA sexing can tell you your bird's s*x with an accuracy of almost 100% by taking a tiny blood sample to a testing lab--very reliable.

  4. If he were a girl, he'd look like a plain old mottled brown and white bird.  But tell us - why a pheasant for a pet?  Why not a bantam rooster?

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