That i dont want to hang out with her.
She keeps bugging me to go over to her house but i really hate it there.
Im kind of a clean freak and her house is always disgusting.
There's always food left out, and dog/cat hairs stuck to everything
and last week i slept over at her house and her bed smelled like c**p, litterally.
When my mom picked me up the next day she even noticed the stentch. -.-
and when we go to her house all we do is go on her trampoline and watch movies. im so sick of it.
and now shes trying to get me to meet this guy alyx. i really dont want to cuz she likes him, and everytime she introduces me to a new guy she accuses me of flirting with him and junk. its not good..
what do i tell her ... without hurting her feelings? o.o