
How do i tell my boyfriend i fancy his mum, im so scared?

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How do i tell my boyfriend i fancy his mum, im so scared?




  1. Well, think of the benefits you dating both.  You'll save on petrol and she probably won't have a curfew.

  2. You don`t.  Simply tell the boyfriend its over, he obviously isn`t doing it for you.

  3. ok you like His MOM....  well...that's not right or normal...O_0 what a sick world we live in.

  4. Break up with your b/f and don't get involved with his mum.

  5. are you a man or a woman. if you're a woman, you're a L*****n and if you're a man you're g*y.

  6. "I like you, but your mum is fitter sorry"


  7. Yeah that's weird, are you that way inclined?  

  8. your a bit vague with the details. but if you are a girl and you fancy your boyfriends mum that could mean you are g*y or bi. if you told him you could risk loosing him and tearing a mothers and son relationship apart. if you really have strong feelings for this woman then you should speak to her first before you say anything to your man . you need to find out what her feelings are . then if she doesn't reciprocate them then at least you wouldn't have ruined your relationship. if you are having feelings for the opposite s*x then you need to confront these issues otherwise you are hurting yourself and in time your boyfriend to. good luck hun  

  9. Don't

  10. I don't think you should tell him.

  11. So are you g*y?

  12. dont tell him get over it

  13. be diplomatic about it.... it may just be a 'crush' so tread carefully..

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