
How do i tell my boyfriend i need a break?!!?

by  |  earlier

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we've been dating for about a year and he's really sensative so its really hard, but its not like breaking up forever, its just a break. but i know he's going to like cry and make me feel bad.

How do i break it to him easily?




  1. Just sit him down and tell him that you feel like both of you need to figure out who you are as individuals, not just as a couple. Tell him you want to spend a little more time with your friends, but that you will always make time for him. And tell him you don't want to be with anyone else during this break.

    I know what you're going through, because my boyfriend is sensitive too, and like you I wanted space and didn't know how to ask for it. But now he's in college, and making new friends. So he wants the same space that I do, and that makes things easier for us. :)

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