
How do i tell my daughter how to use a condom?

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how do i tell my 15 year old daughter to use a condom without sounding like a perv or nasty? She told me that the week she missed during school was the week they were supposed to have s*x ed and learn how to use the condoms so now she has no idea what she missed.




  1. a banana , you have to get over the embarassment or she is at risk of pregnancy or worse AIDs

  2. I like the condom on the banana idea.  Also, play a recording of a screaming, tantruming toddler while she practices it.  With any luck, it will drive the point home.  

  3. use a banana and show her how to put it on:S

  4. OK first i think you need to make e sure she knows everything about s*x ( she might have missed other things) and just cover the pros and cons the good the bad and the ugly of s*x

    you need to keep talk about it any way and it will help warn up to putting on condoms.

    once you got that done then answer any question she might have then

    go to this site:

    ( at the very bottom there is a video) also have her practice on a banana)

  5. i think kids should be taught at home anyway.  you just need to sit down with her and talk about what's going on in her life.  maybe she's not thinking about s*x right now anyway

  6. Without  you telling her to have an awkward  convo.. why dont you  search up on youtube some approperiate  videos that will explain it well with a demonstraition

    This is just an example im sure there are others  there that you may feel will best explain it to your daughter.

  7. the best thing to do is to sit down and talk with her but act like this isn'tt a bad thing its just something she has to learn about but not do yet. condoms are really something for boys to know the details about and for girls just to know that they help protect.

  8. use a banana when my step daughter had s*x ed in school they were shown how to do it with a banana

  9. You could buy a condom and just put it on a banana so she sees how it goes on.

    I don't envy you!

  10. there is a clip from juno where the health teacher puts it on a banana, i'm sure you could find it on youtube and it would be pretty funny and a little less awkward (or maybe more?). you could also find an online site that you checked out first to make sure it is correct information and appropriate and then let her kind of look over it. if you want to get really detailed you can go to cvs buy some trojans and let her look over the instructions and get to actually see what it is like. also if she doesn't feel awkward she can ask her health teacher if she can go in before/after school or during one of her frees...(maybe she should bring a friend in that case)

    best of luck :)  

  11. uhm.... why telling your daughter. shes a girl. doesn't have a p***s

  12. Just tell her the truth.  

    Tell her you are slightly embarassed and you don't want to sound like a perv, but you care about her and want to make sure she has the proper knowledge about safe s*x.  

    Tell it's going to be awkward for both of you, but it's something she needs to learn so she doesn't end up making a life changing accident because she was uneducated.  

    It won't take long and you might even end up having a few laughs.  

    As for she's a girl and she doesn't need to know, that's just ridiculous.  A lot teenage guys hardly even know where to put, let alone wrap themselves up properly.  

    Good Luck!

  13. use a banana or cucumber, show her how its done....after that crack up laughing from embarrassment!

  14. Well unless your daughter is from the 1800's she will be fine.I really don't think that a girl really necessarily needs to know how to put one on.But to answer your question, don't use a banana, sure it's kinda shaped like a p***s but instead use a some what skinny cucumber(they work much better)

  15. yes the one girl is right...use a banana. Technically the guy should be the one worried about how to put a rubber on, but I guess a girl should know also. Just make sure to talk to her about s*x and the pros/cons of it. Also, tell her she needs to know, but at her age she shouldn't be having it yet. Good luck!

  16. I'm 18 and my parents never told me and i turned out fine.  In fact, I plan on not telling any of my 4 children either.

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