
How do i tell my family that my 15 year old girlfriend is pregnant?

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well me and my girlfriend were having s*x and the condom broke and come to find out that she is pregnant and i dont now how to tell my family because they all will hate me for what i did how do i tell them




  1. Well you can  just sit them down and say "mom, dad i did something really bad, and i'm sorry but i'm goign to man up and be responisble" and then tell them what you did and brace yourself. Or if you dont think you can face them (i wouldnt be able to if i was in your shoes) write them a heartfelt letter explaining everything from you did you protection but it failed to how you're going to handle the situation give it to them and wait in your room and brace yourself. Your parents will probably get over especially since you're being mature and telling them.This all comes with the assumption you're around 15 too the same as your girlfriend. if you're older like 18 Boy you are in big trouble and your parents will be a lot harder on you and you should hope no body will press charges

  2. uhm.. this is tough! older people always tell us to only have s*x when we're ready and are already married(if you're Catholic/Christian) ...

    just tell them you did what you did and expect the worst

  3. She could've got the morning after pill so it is kind of her fault as well. Just tell them that she broke it.

  4. You Dont ;) x

  5. sit them down and talk to them like an adult, having your girlfriend there is a bad idea stress is bad during pregnancy

  6. I don't think they really need to hear the details on how it happened just explain to them that you're keeping the baby and plan on raising it the best way you can. If they know you have plans they may feel better.

  7. tell them... explain what happened and they should understand.

  8. well just tell them straight to the point, i know its hard, but it'll be for the best in the long run.

  9. "Hey parents, I messed up and got a girl pregnant. She wants to have the baby, I need to quit school , find a job to support her and my child."

    How's that? hate you? no, they will be disappointed and possibly disgusted with you. Reality is, you need to get a job and support your  new family. Growing up comes at you fast when you impregnate you girlfriend. So much for being a kid.

  10. just tell em' if you dont tell them soon then it could get worse... i feel bad for your gf... but good luck.

                        hope i helped =D

  11. Very sad. Kids have no business having s*x unless they are ready to be parents.

  12. ugh.

    dude. they're gonna find out sooner than later. tell them right this second... (its not that hard..... "i got my girlfriend pregnant") cus you need to get a job and start raising money to help support the kid.

  13. Just tell them you don't expect anything from them and what's happened. They will understand, but expect them to be pretty shocked, maybe for quite a while.

  14. first of all good luck

    you should just tell them before it gets worse

    hope i helped.


  15. u just gotta let it all out and tell them. and make sure u add in stuff like "i know it was a bad idea" or "i totally regret what we did, i just really need help". let them know u feel really bad and right now u need them. but right now u may just wanna keep it between u and ur parents. good luck!

  16. either way ur family is going to find out when u girlfriend has the baby so just tell them cause there is nothing else u can do

  17. What yucky responses...  Sit down and start it out with "I made a mistake..."  If you think it might be really bad have another person with you went you have that talk.  Give them time!  There will be one serious shock effect.

    But seriously most families cool off and realize that this "accident" will be their grandbaby, niece, etc.

    That is if she is going to have it, you didn't specify.  If she is having an abortion, I wouldn't say anything to them, but do get a friend to confide in for emotional support.  

    Good luck

  18. UM U NO GUYS THAT UR ONLY S'PPOSE TO HAVE THAT KIND OF SITUATION AFTER U GET MARRIED. THE LAW THAT THEY MADE IS NOT RIGHT. THE BIBLE SAYS THAT U CAN ONLY HAVE IT WEN UR MARRIED *-* anyway just tell ur parents that she is pregnant on the phone. then when u tell them in person they will understand better

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