
How do i tell my friend he ain't pulling his weight?

by  |  earlier

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so me and my friend are making a comic book to present to publishers.

I came up with the idea. i originally wanted to do it by myself.

there is only one issue written so far. I wrote i'd say 85-90 percent of the first issue. granted the first issue was halfway written by myself. half way in, i asked if he wanted in, he said sure. he came up with a few pages. i wrote the rest. i wrote i'd say 15 of the 18 pages.

i want to pursue it. however, it has been over a week since any work was done, and he hasnt mentioned it since. he hasnt asked to see it at all.

how do i tell my friend he is not pulling his weight? should i give him an ultimatum? should i just totally cut him off? what should i do?

i just dont want it to get in the way of our friendship.

basically i want to tell him "p**s or get off the pot", but i want to say it politely, but stern and not come off as a push over.




  1. be nice and say that he doesnt seem interested to do it n that its ok if he doesnt you are happy to do it yourself.

  2. Tell him he's off the project. Simple at that.

    (To save yourself from having to get a lawyer, return what he has done to him.)  

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