
How do i tell my friend i dont want to watch her kids?

by Guest61678  |  earlier

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my daugher is 2 years old and she's a really good girl...she listens and really don't do much wrong...but i've been babysitting my friends 1 and 2 year old boys and her oldest is soo mean he doesn't listen and he's constantly pushing my buttons but he's rubbing off on my daughter and i can't have that so how do i tell her that her kids a bad influence and i dont wanna watch him




  1. Just tell her that it is too much for you--you thought you could handle it but you can't...nothing wrong with saying that--it is short and to the point, tell her sorry  though.

  2. Tell them you want to spend more one on one time with your daughter. Any parent can understand that.

  3. "Listen friend, your kids is a little prick and a bad influence on my child. I can't stand him and dont' want to babysit for him unless you allow me to discipline him correctly, or pay me more money!  If you are insulted by this, I am sorry, but the truth hurts."

  4. you don't have to say anything bad about her kids.  just tell her that you aren't willing to watch them anymore.  if she asks why, say you really want to concentrate on your own child's behavior (which is true).  You cannot do this to your family and yourself.  you must stand up for yourself and tell her...

    "after next wednesday, i won't be able to take care of your boys anymore, it's just too much for me to havew all 3 of them"  or even "sometimes i just don't know how to handle justin" or "the situation with the 3 kids isn't working for me and my family"  and don't forget "i really value our friendship and really want to stay friends with you"

  5. I agree with sunshine...tell her that you thought you could handle 3 kids under the age of 3, but that it is getting to be too much for you. maybe add in that you would rather have her find someone else than risk the boys getting into trouble or getting hurt because you were unable to handle that many toddlers.

    I know as a mother I would rather have the sitter be truthful with me...My sitter that I have had for 10 years now asked me to find another sitter for my kids when my daughter was a baby. She had the choice between my 2 kids ($4.50 an hour) and a family of 4 kids ($9 per hour) who also had a baby. I understood the financial aspects and that she was overwhelmed...and when that family left her I went back.

  6. say your outta town lol or just tell her the truth friends take the truth if she doesn't shes not a true friend

  7. Tell her it is too much for you to handle right now and you need to spend some one on one time with your daughter. The worst thing u can do if u want to stay friends is tell her her kid is a brat, even if its true. Give her a week or so though to find a replacement. good luck

  8. Easy, Say " Friend, this pregnancy is getting a bit much, so I won't be able to baby sit for a while, you should find someone else to watch your children."

  9. If you want to be nice about it then just tell her you are dealing with a lot of stuff lately and can not watch her kids for a while anymore due to it.

    You can also try telling her that your daughter is starting to pick up a few habits of her son's and she is starting to get out of hand with them so maybe it would be best if you didn't watch her son's for a while,so your daughter has some time to calm down.

    Or if you want to be blunt and direct(which she will probably take offense to) tell her that her son really misbehaves and does outrageous stuff and your daughter is mimicking him and you don't like it so it would be better if they just weren't around eachother a lot anymore therefore you can not and don't want to watch him.

    I had to cut all ties between my oldest daughter and her bratty *** cousin because he would constantly do stuff that my daughter saw and did afterwards or if he got caught(ofcourse by someone other than his parents because they are deadbeats) he would later tell my daughter to go do it so she would get in trouble too.So I just stopped going over there and told my sister in law she can keep her little out of control brat at her house and DO NOT bother bringing him over if he can not behave and act like a human being!

    Best of Luck

  10. use the pregnancy to your advantage.  pregnant women tire easily and need more space- she would understand that.  you could also tell her you really want some one-on-one time with your daughter before the new baby comes.

  11. Just tell her you are really stressed and overly tired and you

    are sorry but you can't keep her boys anymore.

  12. just tell her it isn't working out for you that you are sorry, but you won't be able to watch her child anymore. I know how you feel I have 2 kids of my own I stay at home with. I tell my friends with kids that I don't do babysitting, because I know the burden it can cause. And I may be selfish that I want to just be there with my kids only. Not have to take care of someone Else's kids. It is even worse when they are not disciplined and rub off on your kids.

  13. thats a tought one

    you may have to resort to lying

    "i have to go shopping" "ive made plans"

    i no it sounds terrible (it probably is) but it may be your only choice

  14. You could tell your friend that your daughter seems sad, and that you (as a mother) are afraid you might be neglecting her too much by dividing your time between her and the two boys. This strategy may allow for some breathing space for a time; it may be that in a few years the two boys' attitudes will improve, or that circumstances change, and you are no longer in a situation where you need to watch your friend's offspring.

    Best of luck.

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