
How do i tell my husband that I hate his mom.?

by  |  earlier

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she is a b *i**Ch and i hate her

and tell him if his mom ever kiss my daughter i will knock her light out.




  1. Wow, I'm pretty sure your not the only woman that feels this way.........But be a woman and let him know that she makes you uncomfortable....

  2. probably not like that. I can't stand my mother in law either I told my wife I don't want to see her and gave my reasons she was pissed but got over it now it is easier

  3. my husband just knows by the things I say about his mom, and how I respond to her.

    when I was pregnant with our daughter, she said "i hope it's NOT a girl!"

    I keep my distance from her, totally.

    I keep my kids away from her too.

    good luck, join the club!

  4. Well this is something that I am sure that you knew before you all got married. This sounds so childish though. I think that you all need to sit down and talk this matter out because face it she will always be his mom, and you are replaceable.  

  5. Hello there.

    NOTE: This is just my personal opinion, and I hope that this does not come out as offensive, because that is not my intention. Use my advice at your own discretion.

    Well, your mother-in-law is your family, so my advice to you is to try to be as respectful as you can with your mother-in-law, but keep your distance. You do not have to get along with her, but remember that she is a loved one of your husband.

    Again, I am sorry if this comes out a little bit harsh, but I have a question fo you: Do you think that it is right to say that your mother-in-law is not allowed to show her affection to her granddaughter? You can decide what conduct is right under the circumstances, so I leave the answer up to you. I am sure as a mother, you will do what is best for you daughter.

    I hope this helps! Good luck.

  6. Grow up!  Act like an adult.  I'm sure your parents can do some pretty crappy things too.  I can tell just by the way you are talking.  The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

    You tolerate your in-laws for the sake of your hubby and children.  Which I'm sure your hubby has to do for your sake, too.

    Stop trying to control your husband.

  7. You say "Honey, I love you to pieces, but I hate your d**n mother.  If she ever so much as lays a finger on my kid, I will fly into her like a crazy woman".  That is swift and to the point.  Don't hold out much hope for the survival or happiness of your marriage, though....  

  8. Okay she is your MIL you need to get along with her and Honestly you sound like my Psyco ex with the if she kisses my daughter i will know her lights out! Its her have every right to not like her but you have to get along with her for your daughters sake...and she has the right to see your daughter. If you are married Im sure your husband knows how you feel

  9. Well I wouldnt suggest you tell your husband that, it will probably ruin your marriage. The only thing you should do is try to not spend alot of time with her, and if she is doing something that is disrespecting you, you should then have a talk with your husband...I still suggest you leave the "*****" part out..

  10. ..Well, you seem a little immature. Are you sure you're old enough to be married?

    No matter what, your mother-in-law is always your husband's mother. And your child is also carrying your mother-in-law's blood, as well as your husband's. Your daughter is still her granddaughter and you cannot disallow her to touch the child unless you think she will harm her.

    Instead, try to negotiate with your husband about this. Tell him to talk to her about how to act around you and your children. That might be better than..knocking her lights out.

  11. LOL. I'm in the same situation but I just straight up told my husband.  I HATE YOUR MOM, and I tell him why.  He understands though so he has nothing against it

  12. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa

    That is so funny, you sound just like me!! Arent mother in laws a pain in the aaasssss?!?! I dont have the worst one by far but I hate when my kids are being kissed to death, it makes my skin crawl!!!  :P

    Just tell him straight out! Thread carefully as men are stupid when it comes to their mothers, he WILL be highly offended.  You are his family now  and its time to cut the apron strings for good!!!

    Or you could poison JOKE!!!

  13. First why do you hate her?  He being a Bit** is not enough.  She might be a strong will woman, or noise but you have to tell her that you have your ways of doing things and as long as you and your hubby are happy you will continue.  But you can tell your husband that you want be speaking with her anymore, because you think shes just not worth the energy! and you might smack the c**p out of her!  And don't let him brush it off either.  

  14. It is his Mom. Most people are going to be really hurt and offended to be told that someone they love hates their MOm. I don't care for my mother in law however because I don't want to hurt my hubby's feelings I don't bring it up. Telling him does not change anything, it only upsets him. Unless he also hates his MOM you might not do yourself any favors telling him otherwise. Just ignore her as much as possible.

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