
How do i tell my husband that i slept with another guy? and think im pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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i was at a bar and got wwwaaayyy too drunk, and ended up going home with some stranger...when i woke up i was naked and alone, and now its been 2 weeks and iv never been late for my period before...i have to tell my husband but i dont know how




  1. Get a pregnancy test first.If you are not pregnant, then at least you will be okay for that part.Then tell your husband the truth.Don't carry around guilt in your heart.

  2. Just tell him thats all you can do at this point he might or might not understand but you have to tell him at some point so just get it over with.

  3. NAW, it's Maury, go on Maury tell him you got a big *** secret to tell him, then fall on the floor crying and screaming and runnoft.  I luv Maury!

  4. Escriban en español ¬¬

  5. Write him a note then hide.  I wouldn't dare tell him face to face if I were you.

  6. Well, my first reaction when reading this was- wow what a sl*t! But, after really thinking it through, in my opinion maybe you were drunk and taken advantage of. Its called rape. A drunken woman is incapacitated and cannot legally give consent. I've seen many sleazy guys who pick up on drunk women because they have little or no resistence. Do you really even remember what happened? Unless you went to that bar to pick up a guy, then this isn't what you intended.

    For God's sake get a pregnancy test and be sure. Then, just tell the truth. He'll either deal with it or move on.

  7. from a distance over the phone. a womans shelter might work.

  8. if he really loves you, hopefully he wont go nuts. just tell him the truth, and that you didnt know what you were doing...everything happens for a reason. hope it all works out.

  9. This is why married women don't belong in the bar. Especially women that have 0 self control. Apparently your not mature enough for marriage. Imagine your husband going home with some broad and him telling you that he knocked her up? How would that make you feel?

    Are you not on the pill? Have you ever heard of the condom invention? It really works. Oh wait you were too drunk.

    I have no pity for lying bi&ches like you. You deserve what ever is coming your way and karma is a bi&ch. I hope your husband was having an affair the whole time. Might make him feel a little better when you tell him that your pregnant with another man's baby.

    You need to be on a leash. And monitored  all the time. Women like you do not deserve freedom..look at where it got you.

  10. since you went and did the wrong thing, clear up your Karma and now do the right thing.  dealing with your consequences is hard, and you need to start thinking of consequences of your actions before you act.  you need to tell him you did something really stupid and you might be pregnant.  i mean, it sucks but don't keep lying.  clean up your street and do the right thing and in the long run you wil be a better person for it.  good luck....

  11. tell him on the way to the clinic where he will be getting tested for vd,

  12. See some pastors or Priests

    See someone who specializes in this sort of thing.

    Some women just make the husband think that it is his baby.

    Your marriage may be better off if your husband never found out. I am no expert.

  13. That is such a nasty (not calling you nasty) situation and there is not a good way to deal w/that but you do need to tell him because it's his right and he has a right to make that decision on his own.  You made a mistake and not making excuses for over-drinking but what's done is done and now no matter wrongs or rights you have to tell him especially if there is going to be a baby involved.  If he knows you and it's not your character he may be more willing to forgive but if you lie he may not even give you a chance if he finds out.

  14. Well I think you need to find out for sure if you are really pregnant. Then you need to tell you husband straight up what happened. He deserves to know the truth.

  15. Tell him you got raped, cos that's the truth isn't it. Tell him you're too ashamed of what happened, and it's his choice to either forgive you, or divorce.

  16. Your just going to have to be honest with him. Eventually he will notice if you are pregnant and wonder why you have been hiding it from him.

  17. Whoa, thats a tough situation. Just tell him, thats all you can really do at this point, and see what happens from there.  

  18. you'll just have to come out with it.

    take your time but its better to say it.

    no other way.

    it has to come from You.

    before you tell him, tell him details about it before you get out What You ACTUALLY did.

    because after you say what u did, he may not even take the time to listen to the rest.

    there's no easy way to do this, so

    just prey for the best and let it happen.

  19. That fukkking great you wake up you was naked and alone.  Now you might be pregnant and you dont know who the guy was because you was too drunk.  d**n he probably call his boys over to have a orgy and you was to drunk.  So you probably was sucking and doggy styling nice orgy.  I suggest that you go to the clinic and get check out for STD's.  Your a terrible wife

  20. Jerry Springer

  21. I don't think that there is a certain way to drop a bomb shell like this. You just have to tell him and deal with the consequences.

    Good Luck.

  22. We all have skeletons in the closet, I would not tell him, I would get to the clinic quick.

  23. Good Luck, and be prepared to be called a w***e and a s**t and I hate you.... blah blah blah...... this has never happened to me but if I was you this is what my husband would say!

  24. You need to just grow up and tell him, you were able to sleep with the guy then be grown up and tell the one you apparently love.

  25. Sad, very sad. You made a huge mistake and I hope you are woman enough to face the consequences. The possible pregnancy is not the only thing you have to worry about. You need to be tested for STDs. There's no easy way out of this unless you're the type of person that can pretend like everything is fine and have no conscience. If you are truly sorry then you will tell your husband, accept whatever decision he makes and change your life for the better.

  26. Why have you waited two weeks? Did you consider the abortion pill?  Can you have an abortion anytime soon? If you can, you might be able to put this whole thing behind you and not have to tell husband.

    Either way, it sounds like you need to steer clear of the bar scene and the alcohol.

  27. This is very hard. Maybe you should go to your parents first. Talk to them how to deal your problem and ask for advice.

  28. Wow, this is not going to be easy. You have to tell him. I'd have somebody else over when you do. Just for support, he's not going to be happy. Who's blame him. But you got to tell him. Best wishes.

  29. Don't listen to these folks!!!! It happens to all of us...I mean its sad that it had to happen but its gods will!!! Whats meant to happen will!!! God does not make mistakes only people do and if he does not forgive you then move on....Best of luck...But I would make sure you were before giving out any additional info lol....: )

  30. Oooh, you're on your own with that one...give it a couple of months tho and you won't have to say anything, he'll be able to see for himself. Couldn't resist.

  31. This is sick.  You just have to do it and then when you are alone with a baby you will have a everyday reminder of what you did.  Sad you don't even know who the dad????

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