
How do i tell my mom...HELP!?

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Okay so this morning i went to cheer camp and three hours later when i came home, i realized my straightener was on and i have a burn mark in my carpet. I am so scared. I have cut the top a little to get the black marks and i have tried to use out stain remover but its not working! :( how do i tell my i tell her or just let her find it. Please help me. I am 15.




  1. Just tell her the truth straight away. She will appreciate your honesty. It's better for you to own up to your actions and show that you're responsible rather than your mother finding the burn mark herself. If you don't tell her now, she may not be able to trust you in the future with more important things. You'll feel so much better when you tell your mom what happened. Be completely honest. She'll understand that everyone makes mistakes. What's most important is that you had the guts to admit that you did something wrong and that'll prevent this from ever happening again.

    Good luck =]

  2. just tell her


  4. accidents thankful it didn't cause a fire.

  5. tell her. when i let her discover things like that, then its ten times worse then if i come straight out and tell her before she does.

  6. just say it was a major accident and it will never happen agian also try put ice on it that sometimes works

  7. say mom there is a little burn on my carpet can you help me get it out the same thing happend to me but with food good luck

  8. Just tell her, she will be more mad if she finds it on her own. Just say mom I messed up and when I left this morning I left my straightener on and it burnt the carpet.

    Or be the bad guy and cover it with something..

    I vote for the honest part.

    Good Luck and God Bless

  9. just tell her, that really sucks, but its a material thing she'll fogive you. i dont know about your mom but my mom wouldn't care, it was an accident anyways.

  10. Just tell her.  It's understandable that she'll be upset, but it's not REALLY the end of the world.

  11. omg if your mom will get mad over something like that then thats crzy

    everyone makes mistakes just tell her! :)

  12. Is she going to beat you or something?

    Just tell her the truth, she SHOULD understand.

  13. it could have been worse you could of burned the house down so just tell her offer to fix it or do extra chores or something if she has you in cheer camp then she cant be that bad of a mother

  14. just tell her as soon as she came and apoligize A LOT! she probobly wont be that mad if you are honest

  15. dont. if she ask, be honest

  16. Just tell her it was an accident....She's gonna have to find out anyway.

  17. If that is burn you cannot do anything to take it off, cutting it might get your mom angry. Talk to your Mom tell her before she finds out. That the best think you can you tell her you've been excited for the camp and didn't realize you forget the straightener on the carpet.

    She might get mad but that just normal

  18. Be honest, explain to her what happened she'll be a lot angrier if she finds it herself and you didn't tell her.

  19. Tell her.If she finds it she will be angrier because you kept it from her.Just wait until she's in a good mood & then tell her what happened.Apologise,say it will never happen again and tell her she can take money out your allowance every month so that she can buy a new one

  20. be honest or she wont appreciate your lies.

  21. If it's only small you might be able to cover it with a rug, or some conviently placed papers or something. Otherwise you'll just have to tell her. There will be no point getting angry with you because the damage is already done, and I'm guessing from your question that you won't let it happen again!!!

    Good luck x

  22. Just tell her the truth. She's going to find out anyway, and you will get into even more trouble for lying.

  23. I would deffinatly tell her and say it won't happen again and if worse comes to worse start sobbing.

    she'll appreciate your honesty and know she can trust you in the future, i know my mom would rather me tell her a horrible truth then a lie.

    maybe start off with. "hey how would you feel about being a grandmother!!" and then be like "just kidding, but guess what. the carpet is burnt..." maybe you can even get a new straightener with a timer on it out of the deal.

  24. Just say mum I am really sorry but I burnt a whole in the carpet, whatever you do, don't leave her to find it because that is when you will truely be scared.

  25. go ahead and tell what happen let her know it was just an accident she should understand.

  26. You're f**ked - Get out of the house. Run. Don't turn back.

    Either that or spend the rest of your life with FRIZZY hair because you are not to be trusted with heated electrical appliances. OMG it doesn't bare thinking about - what would the girls at school say if you didn't straighten your AFRO.


  27. Just be honest and up front with her ..... You cannot get burn marks out with stain remover.  Tell her  you are sorry , but be honest and tell her.

  28. tell her.

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