
How do i tell my mom im Pregnant again?

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How do i tell my mom im Pregnant again? & its with an Older Guy he is 45 & im only 22 but we are inlove & plan on marrying my mom just asked me to never do this but i couldnt help but fall inlove with him he is great with my son & treats me Sooooo Good! & i love him alot we have been dating for a year now!




  1. Your such a s**t

  2. Take her to a nice place and tell her.

  3. Don't tell her and just pretend you're putting on a lot of weight.  You see how I spelled a lot there?  Yea, it's two words not one just so you know for the future.  Anyway, I suggest you hide being pregnant or move very very far away.

  4. I have to ask.  Is the guy married?

  5. well let me tell you, if your happy i dont see what the problem is. ya she'll be upset but its your life and you only live once so what the heak if you love him and your kids, then i think thats totally good.

  6. you sound fine so just tell her

  7. "....but i couldnt help but fall inlove with him he is great with my son & treats me Sooooo Good! "

    Start out slow and tell her that. If she doesn't accept it then maybe she can't accept you. She should be able to put her personal feelings a side and support you. You really can't help who you love. Things just happen and it's out of our reach. Keep in mind that there may be a very slight chance she sees something in this man that you don't. Or maybe she is just worried and only wants the best for you. Does she know this guy? Maybe she should take the time to really get to know him. Then she can tell you how she feels. But, you are an adult. I myself am 22 and have come to the conclusion that if there is something about my life (and believe me it's most of it) that my mother doesn't approve of then I tend to not tell her about it and let her in on it. There is no need to upset her or get into an argument that won't really do either of us good. If you are anything like me your head is on straight and you know that what you feel in your heart is true and you will just have to follow it.

  8. Just be honest with her

    I know it will be hard but it would be alot worse if she found out through someone else

    Be open and try and let her see it from your way

  9. well ur 22 so your mom shouldn't get mad at you. ur a grown women now your not a kid any more

  10. Chole T seems to have the right idea.

  11. why worry?you shouldve been barefaced right now.

  12. I would just sit her down and tell her.Yea, she might be mad ( because you are still her little girl in her eyes) but she will get over it and life will go on. Do what is best for you and your family if it makes you happy. Good Luck.

  13. If you plan on marrying this guy anyway then I can't see her issue, he is good to you and your son and you are in love with him. Take her out for a nice meal with your partner and break it to her there (unless you're afraid she will make a scene, then make a nice meal at your place and invite her)!

    Start by explaining, "As you know, _ and I have been together for a year now and we wanted to you know that we are getting married, and that we have some news for you, we are going to start a family of our own" At the end of the day, all she wants is what is best for you and if you're sure this guy is the one then she will be happy for you.

    Good Luck. x

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