
How do i tell my mom?!?

by  |  earlier

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this sounds really bad, but how do i tell my mom i'm pregnant with my stepdad's baby (her husband)? i'm very attracted to him and we have been having s*x for 2 years (i'm 19)




  1. This has to be a joke question...if not just tell her! You deserve whatever you get!

  2. Well maybe you and him should surprise her together in her bed someday, that would be nice. or maybe Jerry springer?

  3. Plain and simple.

    If it's true, you aren't a very nice person, and aren't to bright, so pack up your stuff, warn your lover boy there first, and both of you be prepared to say goodbye to mum.

  4. just tell her ... she is probably pregnant by your brother!

  5. go to the Maury show

  6. tell her on jerry spinger

  7. You better tell her before she asks questions about why youre prego She'll probably hate both of you but at least you did the right thing by telling her

  8. Wow, it did not worry you to have s*x with your step father, (her husband), but you are worried about how to "tell" her?

    Go figure.

  9. You and ur boy friend plan for a dinner.

    You invite you step dad to the dinner and let you bf invite your mom !

    All of you guys sit and discuss the things  !

    Hope everything goes better !

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