
How do i tell my mom that i want to start wearing somse mascara ???

by Guest58696  |  earlier

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i just want to waer a little mascara and some lipgloss, but my mom says that im to young to use it (im 13). plss hlp




  1. haha well i remember we use to put on makeup when we get school in the morning ,,,,my mom didn't know ....

    but eventually she found out...she was ok with it

    i think moms freek out because makeup is an addiction once u put on ...u will wanna wear it alot & dont wana leave ur house without it..

    LOL sound funny but true ...

    my advice dont buy cheap makeup EVERR

    TELL HER  that ur gona wear makeup with her knowing anyway so might as well be honest & wear it in front of u AND just a little bit...

    not too much of it..

    Honesty is the best way to go

  2. just tell her that all the girls in your school are wearing it and that you feel left out. and if she still says no then tell her that your getting older and more mature. and then she may understand. and if she doesnt then if you have an older sister ask her if you can use some of hers and show your mom that you know how to wear it and everything.  

  3. Well so you already own mascara and lipgloss?

    IF not next time when you are out with friends pick some up. I really like lashblast mascara. And all lipgloss is good pretty much,

    Just put in on lightly and show your mom what it looks liks. and that you do a good job of it

  4. well im going to be a freshman in highschool this year lol and when i was in junior high soooo many girls would wear makeup...and not just the whole ensemble haha if you want to wear mascara go for it!!! tell your mom how you feel and im sure shell understand and mascara isnt even bad at all so idk why your mom wont let you :) my sister started wearing make up at 13 i think too...i dont wear it cause people say i have a really pretty natural look...but i do on occasions haha just talk to your mom about it!!! i dont think your too young :)

  5. i would start out by asking her to help you with your makeup, since you don't want to put on to much of it at a time maybe if she helps you she will let you wear it. =]

  6. borrow it from a friend, then when she sees you already have it on, if she gtes angry, dont wear ti fr a while, of she does think its ok, well thats great! also ask for it as a bday gift =]

  7. just b like o mom this would look on you and she'll buy it or just hold it and put it on the counter when she not looking

  8. just go to the store with her and when u go by the makeup isle say mom wait can i pleazzzzzzzzzzzz get some mascara beg lol mabey she will let u i was11 when i started to wear "makeup" before i wore little stuff loike lipgloss and stuff

  9. If your mom's worried about you poking yourself in the eye with the mascara or something, ask her if you can just try it out one evening before you go to bed, so there's no lasting damage done.

    If she doesn't want you wearing it when you're out with your friends, apply it at your friend's house! Picking clear mascara and lipgloss and making sure you don't apply it too heavily means you're less likely to get caught (and it often looks nicer, too).

  10. Hmmm... Well, when I wanted to start wearing make up, I just did.

    I didn't start wearing mascara and eyeliner until I was 14 though, just try wearing a little one day and see how it goes.

    Sorry if this wasn't much help, I never had to deal with a mother because I never had one.  

  11. just ask her if she says no then she says no my mom wouldnt let me wear any makeup at all till i was 16 she sais she didnt want my face to be all pale and she didnt want me to depend on makeup like other girls do and i dont nad my skin is tan and i look good with or without makeup so maybe you should just deal with it and wait or ask if you can use clear mascara and clear lipgloss

  12. just obey her....most guys like gurls who don't wear makeup anyways. you could talk to her and say your a teenager now and you want to start wearing makeup like your friends, but if she doesn't listen, just obey causes acne anyway

  13. i had put some of my sisters on and she said that it looked good on me and that  should start wearing it and so i said okay... haah

  14. Mom, i think i'll start wearing mascara. My friend does that,and their eyes look beautiful. Will u teach me how to apply them? I think i'll start with clear mascara, when i'm good enough, i'll change it to darkbrown or black. I'll buy my own clear mascara. So, what do u say mom?

  15. tell her its just like polish for your eye lashes and lips. or just put it on. you could put ion on it the bathroom at school and take it off right b4 you go home.  

  16. save up money and buy it yourself sometime and put it on on the bus to school or when she isnt around.. it's what i do cuz my mom says im too young for makeup too.

  17. personally i dont believe you are to young , i'm fourteen .. and i started a couple of years ago , no big deal really .. mascara isnt big and lipgloss ? she wont let you wear lipgloss ?!

    a girl needs lipgloss


  18. Whenever I want my parents to let me do something, I bribe them. I'll say "If I get an A in this class, can I have [blank]?" Then I get the A or do the task that I said I would do, and they allow me to get what I want. Tell her you'll do some chores to prove your mature enough.  

  19. I'm 12 and I wear CLEAR Mascara  And it works really good,But I'm Christian and we can't wear makeup so even my mom said clear was ok for me to wear,and my moms super strict! .. Cover girls is the cheapest at wal-mart So good luck!

  20. I'm 15 & I wear complete all over make-up. Tell your mom that all the girls at school wear make-up, and you feel left out. & nothing is wrong with some lipgloss, I mean - I'd understand if it was lipstick, but it's just lipgloss.

  21. just tell ur mom that its just mascara and lip gloss. tell her u wont start wearing eyeshadow until ur a little bit older. mascara is a really simple thing. it wont harm u.

  22. My mom doesn't mind if i wear make-up and i'm tell your mom that it's not fair your 13 and you think your old enough. She probably doesn't want you wear it because she thinks that when you start wearing make-up at a young age, your skin will become wrinkly at a younger age. Mascara doesn't do anything though.

    Good luck! =)

  23. o hey! im 13 too! just tell your mom that you'll promise to onley wear a little and make a compromise with her. tell her you'll always be careful not to smear it on ur clothes and you'll always wash it off before night. try putting some on and show her! my mom letme try and she really liked it on me so now that's the only makeup i'm allowed to wear besides lip gloss. hope i helped! good luck!

  24. Wear lipbalm for lipgloss - Nivia do tinted lipbalms and even their ordinary ones can create a nice lipgloss style shine.

    For mascara however, i had the same problem but with eyeliner. My mum didn't let me wear it, so i went out with my friend one day and bought some and put it on. She was cross but she couldn't stop me in the end. Try it with mascara and see if she notices!

  25. Tell her that u like a guy or something, but he never notices you. You want to impress the guy. Shes gonna go like Young loveee......

    JK! lol. Ok, tell her your eyes look small to you, and you want to look different to poeple this year. You want to let people that you changed a little, but not completely. Also, you want to look mature.

    I dont understand. Im like 11 and I can wear makeup :P. But only some mascara and foundation.

  26. i had to go through that to but im twelve so ya but i asked my mom and told her i was ready to wear it and when you ask say you'll only wear it for special occasions not during school but then when you get to school put it on or just walk to the nearest store and buy some with your own money

  27. just explain to her that your not gonna wear a lot like a drag queen

    your just gonna put a simple amount on

    i think you would just have to tell her you are growing up & want to try new things

  28. "Mom,  I really want to start wearning mascara and lipgloss.  It would make me think way higher of myself because I would look really pretty.  Will you help me? Love you!"

  29. Tell your mom that your a teenager not 12 anymore.

    alos say, that you entered the teen years,

    'and thats when everyone starts wearing lip gloss and stuff

    show you mom how you put it on,

    and say youll even buy masacra

    I hope it goes good! good luck hun

    answer mine ( :;...

  30. tell her firmly that you are 13, and not a child anymore and you should be able to wear mascara. Tell her that you could wear brown and that lipgloss isn't a must its just mascara. Tell her that if she doesn't get you some then you will get it yourself and wear it.

  31. Explain that you will wipe it off before you go to sleep and that if you dont thats when she should stop you and lipglos is what all girls wear.. if not try clear mascara and clear lipgloss to make your lashes longer and lipgoss to make your lips shinierr

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