
How do i tell my mother that i have tried to commit suicide?

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I am just beginning therapy for depression issues, and i feel like i should talk to my mother about some of the things that have happened in my life, that i have neglected to tell her...

about a month ago (and the reason for the therapy) I tried to overdose on prescription meds, but instead i just passed out for a while, and woke up fine...i realized i needed help and told my mom i need to talk to some one, and she set up an appointment for me, no questions ask.

...but i feel like i should tell her, because this is NOT the first time i have tried something like this....

what should i do? How do i tell her?




  1. No, do not tell her.

    Instead tell your therapist that. By law he must tell your legal gardian that you have purposfully endangered yourself. He will also explain to her how she is to talk to you. If you tell your mom directly she will freak out. If your therapist tells her, you will get almost no (negative) reaction.

    Hope this helped, Ski-FreeStyle

  2. tell her to take u out for lunch that u need to talk--like a park picnic-tell her it wasnt her fault but shes the best mom etc-but in ur head its hard for u to handle n uve tried taking the thoughts away by trying to take ur life--etc..there was nothing she could have done but u need help now-that u need her. explaion what u did n why u did it.  tell her how u felt while doing it--if u get stressed u can come to her-not to get uptight just being there will help. etcc. ask her how u want her to be if u come to her so u can feel open to talk not getting drilled.

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