
How do i tell my mum i hate her without telling her?

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my mum keeps controlling my life and she even hide the keyboard n mouse because i dont study much. i think that sucks.. she likes to complain everything bout me such as my hair, finger nails n my attitude.. i need my own life.. how do i tell her that i need my own life n stay away from me n make her feel guilty..




  1. you are so blessed to have your mom. it seems that she cares about you and your education. you need an education to get a good job. you are still in school and living with her. you need her more than you think. start studying more and taking care of your body. that is very important. she is always on you because she loves you. i wish I still had my mom . she died in the 90's . I miss her and her helping me with my life. you are so blessed. you should listen to her you would learn alot and your life would be so much easier. WAKE UP!!!!

  2. how can you hate your mommy; i love mines ! lol

  3. Well get your own life.Go get a job, a place of your own etc.

    Next what kind of job are you qualified for?

    Without an education you will work many hours for very little money and live in  a dump and drive junk that breaks down on you all the time.I know from experience.

    You either need to start studying and get an education or you need to learn what life is like in the low income spectrum or even in the streets.

    Next,people judge you by your appearance like it or not and if you look sloppy, if you do get hired, they aren't going to give you much because you will appear as  somewhat incompetent hon.

  4. You are blessed to have your mother in your life, and even more blessed to have a mother who actually cares about you.

    I think you are the one who needs to feel guilty about being so ungrateful to the most precious person in your life.

    You really don't deserve your mother and you will not realize this until you actually lose her since you are a loser yourself.

    I really feel sorry for your mommy for having to put up with you on daily basis... she really deserves better.

    If I were you, I would study more and listen to what my mom says so that I don't end up as a street hobo.

  5. Until you reach 18 and are a legal adult, you're under her rules. I don't blame her for taking away your keyboard if you aren't studying enough. She's responsible for trying to raise you to be the best adult you can be...playing games and chatting online isn't going to take you very far in life.

    If you want to 'hate' her then hate her. When you grow up and get some maturity and wisdom under your belt, you'll thank her.

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