
How do i tell my mum that i could be getting expelled?

by  |  earlier

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Well I'm in year 9 ( 14 y/o girl ) and yesterday me and my mates (just for fun) put 2 f**t bombs in the teachers car. So this dibby-dobber saw us and dobbed us in. We got detention but now they are talking about getting us expelled. Now my mum cares about how good i do in school ( i do normal like b+ is my average and i am usually on the bad side of the teachers so i do get in trouble alot ) she just thought i got another lousy detention for like gum chewing or something, how do i crack it to her that i might be getting expelled ( cause the teachers were talking about it ). I apologized ( even though i didn't mean it ) but they said they are just going to have to do something and it wont be suspension ( cause I've already been suspended 4 times ) so obviously it will be expulsion. How should i tell my mum without getting her boiling?




  1. the same thing happened to me i take it though that my mums so much stericter than yours so it wont be that badwen she comes home bring the letter and just let her read it and try to think of ways it wasnt your fasult then RUN to your bedroom and saty how sorry u are ber really nice to her.  

  2. You mean how do you let your mum know you're worse than she thought? Do you care what your mum thinks? It sounds like you're heading for a career of crime and jail, pal. It's time to straighten up and realize what school is all about. And start thinking about ways to help people instead of s***w up their days. What's your life going to be like in a few years when you can't even hold a job because of messing with people all the time?

  3. i think id wait till the verdict weather or not ur gonna get expelled. they will probably call ur parents.  

  4. since suspension didnt work, they want to give you a nasty shock. so look shocked. grovel, anything that will prevent them from implementing the rule. if they do implement, then tell your mom. and see if you can start afresh.  

  5. well considering you said you apologized but quite immaturely add that you "didn't mean it", then seriously, with your attitude, do you really care what your mum thinks as you obviously have no respect for yourself. Now a f**t bomb, that is pretty funny, if one of my students did that then I would never expel them I'd just give them a real talking to when it comes to taking reponsibility for the inconvenience of others. It's up to you, if you want to get expelled and embarrass yourself and continue being a real fool then there's no need to do anything, but if you don't want to get expelled and act like a decent person it will take some pride swallowing and you will miss out on getting the attention you are after in your attention seeking escapades. Go to the principle and stand up like an adult and say hey, I'm having a hard time and I'm just lashing out, teachers don't even try to warm to me because they can't handle me and seriously what else am I supposed to do before they pay attention to me, all I do is get into trouble and it's a them verse me attitude that the teachers have, none of them help me, none of them give me good advice in life, if ever i do anything wrong I'm never given any guidance, just punishments, there are no teachers in this school that I look up to, what else can I do to get some genuine interest in me from the teachers without sucking up to them with academics, I need more than just knowledge of one plus one, I need guidance yet whenever I do something wrong i just get dealt with and swept under the carpet

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