
How do i tell my parents about my stupid accident?

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from my other question, i got caught driving with a passenger by my parents and im on restriction. on the way there, my parking brake was on (25 minutes, 9 miles). i didnt want to tell them right after i got the responsibility talk, but i need to tell them something because my brakes are squeaking. they dont squeak that bad and my brakes are fine if i dont press too hard (like when a cat crosses the street out of nowhere).

they threatened to take away my car when they found out i drove with a passenger. and if i told them right after about my stupid mistake, i will for sure get my car taken away. it's been two days. my parents are asian and they wont understand it in a calm way. and for those parents who say "honesty is the best answer," you were a teenager before.

is there anything else that i could tell them? and will the mechanic know if im lying? because i could just say that i drove to school (about 4 miles) wth it on, or will he know? i went up to 50 with the parking brake on.




  1. Its simple, just tell them.

  2. I would just come out and tell them. Keeping it from them will only make it worse.  They will understand when you come to them for help with the car. I did the same thing, and my parents were pretty cool about it

  3. just tell them that your breaks are squealing when you push them and you think you need to break pads, the mechanich wont know that you left the parking break on, it will jus look like worn break pads

  4. Why don't you just tell them there is a noise coming from the wheels. ( they will probably figure out it is the brakes )

    - or if that doesn't work, wait a day and tell them the brakes seem weak.

    -I do not think the mechanic will be able to tell that you left the parking brake on.

    I don't endorse lying to your parents....but maybe this is one time you can "omit" some facts.

  5. I know where your coming from because I've done plenty silly mistakes like this. And I am a teenager and I'm still going to say "honesty is the best" in this case. Not only will you be defying your parents, you will probably be getting yourself in bigger trouble. Another big thing, this could be potentially dangerous to yourself if you keep driving the car like this. What if something happened when your parents while they were using the car? Wouldn't you feel absolutely terrible for not telling them that possibly the brakes are shot on your car! Best option- don't lie. Don't hide the truth. If they did find out you tried to cover up your mess I'm positive the punishment will be much worse. Be straight forward and honest. Confront them in a calm private situation. Tell them that you accept your punishment because, well, it was your fault and you realize this. You've got to learn from your mistakes. Not hide or lie about them, or else you will never learn and these things will keep happening to you. Good luck

  6. You must tell them.  But I understand if you can't.

    It is most likely the rear brakes are worn out.  The car can stop with just the fronts, but not well in an emergency.

    Get the Chilton manual for fixing the brakes and fix them.  Or find a friend who has taken shop, and ask him/her to fix them.  The parts are about $45.  A brake job by a mechanic will be much more expensive.

    If you live in L.A., I'd be glad to do it for you (LOL).

  7. well to answer your question yes a mechanic will be able to tell if you left you parking brake on because what it essentually does is press the brake pads against the disk to stop it from rolling down the hil and driving with it like that for long periods of time wears the brake down in a totally different fashion then if you were to just hit your brakes that is if the mechanic is observent and good at his job which he should be. but what it sounds like it that either there is somethign wrong with the disc or that there is little or no pad left and it is grinding metal against metal.

    the best way to approach it would be to tell them that everytime you hit the brakes it squeaks and if they ask you what happened tell them the truth that you where driving one day and forgot to take the emergency brake off  and that your sorry you  forgot but do not lie because it is not worth it man.

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