
How do i tell my parents about?

by Guest55733  |  earlier

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why i cut my wrists?

I dont do it to get attention, i never wear black...dont wear makeup i dont even act emo, u couldnt even tell that i do it.

idk if i have a high pain tolerence...I just start cutting myself when ever i feel (sad, depressed, angry,pissed) i started doin it when my gf broke up with me...we been together for 2 years now i never new bout how she hated me =(

also i need stuff to shrink or anything cuz i think they messed up in the head =P

also i think i mite b cutting deeper w/o even knowing?

but soon i no i gotta tell my parents...I have noooo clue what thell say, really nervous....

any help PLEASE!!!




  1. Just sit them down and tell them it's serious. It's a good thing you're opening up about it to them. They will still love you, I'm certain. They'll help you.

  2. it helps to be honest and sometimes to open up to somebody, it lifts up the burden on your shoulders. tell them that you have trouble handling your emotions. you better stop hurting yourself as early as now, before you'll hurt yourself too bad... God bless you

  3. OK, look, I have had a VERY rocky young childhood that I could never ever forget about. I saw a theripist from when I was 7-9 and it really did help. Talking to someone that you have no relation to and that you can dump your inner most thoughts and feelings onto makes ALL the difference. If you want to e-mail me so we can talk please don't hesitate to do so.

  4. Okay well my friend used to cut her self to because she taught all sorts of stuff.and I helped her through it..and now she hasn't over a year...but what I recommened is is tell some 1 you feel comfortable talking to..if not your parents an aunt or uncle.because it is true your parents need to know but if it is too hard to tell them go to the next person you can rely on.because you need to let some1 know before this gets worst.and after you told that person and if they couldn't help PLZ!! Tell your parents they are going to support you and work with you.

  5. first of all, get over ur ex.  be careful, if this girl hated u, why would u cut urself over her? its your life, take control. dont let the pain of your broken heart take over your life.  cutting yourself is a very serious thing. either stop cold turkey, or tell ur parents, they'll get u help.

  6. personally, i;ve ben threw this exact situation, altho i didnt tell my mom she found out one day when she walked into my room. i also want to tell you that alot of parents think of cutting as a sign of being suicidal wen actually it isnt true becuz if someone wanted to commit suicide, they would just do it instead of cuttin them selves.  when my mom found out, i went to a hospital. any friends i hav who have done this hav also gone to a hospital. personally, if i were to cut again i wudnt tell my mom.

    but that isnt the best option. If you are going to tell your parents, make sure they are not mad at you at that moment and they are calm before you speak to them. make sure you tell them that you do not cut as a result of being suicidal. tell them that you cut because you suffer from depression and maybe you could see if they could have you on some type of medicine for depression.

    i know that it is hard getting over breakups. i recently had one.

    also, there isnt a way to stop cutting besides treatment, although even with treatment you dont always stop. for me, i found writing poetry, listenin to music, writing how i feel then ripping it up, an gently biting my arm( not enough to leave a mark) helpful for wen i had urges to cut.

    i still think that you should see a therapist, but be sure on what you tell them. and there were times i cut deeper without knowing.  anyways, cutting is something pycological. and i know how hard it is to stop cutting, trust me...i hav a long history of cutting and suicide attempts, infact i 1st cut myself wen i was attempted suicide at abot 11 or hav ben attempting it..and/ or cutting ever since although i would sometimes stop a year then start back up.

    anyways, i hope my strategies are able to help you. good luck!!

  7. I think you definitely need to sit down with your parents and tell them what you have been doing.  Explain to them how you feel when you are doing it and when you started doing it.  Show them any open cuts you have and scars you have from this behavior.  Ask them to get you help.  You need to stop cutting immediately.  Ask them to make sure you wear only short sleeve shirts and no wrist gear (bracelets or watches or wrist bands).  Have them check your wrists regularly.  Don't transfer the cutting to anywhere else either.  Make sure you have them check all of you out including your arms, legs, and torso.  Try squeezing the crud out of a pillow instead the next time you think you're going to start cutting.  Or get some paper and a pen and draw or write about what is bothering you.  If you write about your problems you can go back and read it later and maybe figure how what to do with a clearer mind.  Or you can give your writing to your parents and/or ask them to keep tabs on your journal.  I do think you should get professional help but not from a shrink if you don't respect them.  Try talking to a school guidance counselor or a teacher you respect.  Maybe you have a friend with a cool Mom or Dad that you could talk to easier than your own parents.  If you talk with them maybe they would go with you to help you explain what you are feeling to your parents.  This way you will have lots of support.  I hope you get the help you need from your parents.  Stay well.

  8. just tell them. tell them why you do it[when your sad depressed] i have done this my-self and my mom found out about it on accident she freaked but then she helped me stop. your parents can help you.

  9. You totally deserve and need support; talk to your parents--it sounds like you really want to reach out to them. Just sit them down and try to say what you typed above? If you need more support, check out this resource I found:

    SAFE (Self-Abuse Finally Ends)

    800-DONT-CUT (800-366-8288)

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