
How do i tell my parents i cut myself?

by Guest56742  |  earlier

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I really want to tell them but I'm scared about how they'll react. My cuts aren't that bad, but i have drawn blood before. They've been getting deeper each time. After i see my cuts i wish i never did it but it's so addicting. How can i tell them that i want help? I'm 16 btw.




  1. tell em u need help with somethin then spill the beans!

  2. from personal experience, it is better to tell them then for them to find out on their own. (bc they may react badly) sit them down and just be honest. "mom, i have a problem please help me..." ask them if they can help you find a psychologist because you want to get better.

    it is very addicting. its been 2 years since ive cut, and i still think about it sometims. i always kick myself for not getting help when i really needed it. dont put it off, they are your parents. they will love you no matter what


  4. just like casually like rest ur head on ur arm showing ur cuts nd theyll b like "WTF?!"

  5. Just call a family meeting and tell them.

  6. Well they might under estimate how bad your feeling at first. But its one of the first steps to getting help.

    It also depends are you cutting yourself because it is addicting or because your depressed/etc.  

  7. Do it right in front of them, and see how they react.

    Actions speak louder than words!

  8. Just tell you parents.... They will help you to stop.

  9. Why would you want to tell them?

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