
How do i tell my parents i dont want to play football.

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ive played for like 5 years now and i hate it! All i want to do is go skateboarding.. I dont know how to tell my parents that i dont want to play anymore..:\




  1. tell them i rather bust Ollie's and kickflips then busting a knee or an elbow in football.

  2. yeah that can be hard but u just need to tell them-sit them down and just be like "i wanna move on and do different sports" or something to that effect. i hope all goes well. hope ur parents aren't those competitive crazy parents that force their kids to play sports and push em like crazy ha......

    but if ur parents are cool just tell em that skateboardings hotter than playing football ;) lol

  3. just tell them the truth. if they want you to be happy they will under stand. they cant make you play something you dont like and doesent make you happy.

  4. Just tell them.  

  5. just tell them directly that u are no more interested in playing football

    nobody will force u if a u are not interested...  

  6. Please dont feel obligated to play football for your parents, they dont want that from you. Sit your parents down today and tell them you have something important to tell them, then explain to them that as much as you have enjoyed playing football in the past. It is no longer what you want to do and are not going to participate in  and that you dont enjoy it any more.Tell them Skating is your new sport preference  and  is exciting to you.Invite them to watch you at a skate park ( wear a helmut)

    they cant play football or any other sport for you and you shouldnt try to live someones elses dreams out either.  

  7. you need to find a good time and come straight out with it

  8. Being a kid once, REALLY make sure your doing the right thing.  Its all your parents are interested in too.  I so wish I would of gone about athletics different when I was 16 to 18.  I am VERY glad that I stuck with Football and Track.  

    Skateboarding WILL NOT get you a scholarship to college!  It will not help you get an ROTC scholarship to a military college.  You might think that college is not important, but look at things from the point of "What if I had to pay for everything on my own?  How would I pay for rent in a place that I wanted to live?  What kind of benefits will I have?"

    Dont look at your decision as something short term.  Yes, right now Skateboarding IS THEE thing to do among you and your friends.  However, there is no reason why you cannot skate AND do athletics!  

    If you seriously HATE football, let your parents know.  However, if You were my son and were going to drop sports for skateboarding, I wouldn't be getting you ANYTHING for skateboarding at all.  In fact I might take it away.  

    Your "job" right now is to get good grades at school, do things that make your body stronger, faster, and more coordinated, and to ensure you continue to mature.  Organized sports are AMAZING for that.  

    Just know that giving up Organized Sports in HS will be a mistake in 10 to 20 years when you look back at what you could of been or what you should have done and none of your skater friends are your "close friends" anymore.

  9. You set them down and thank them for all their support with football through the years.  Then be honest with them.  Let them know how you feel about it.  Expect them to be upset and plan on just listening for a while.  At the end apologize and just tell them much you hate it and ask them to please understand.  Then let it go for a while.  It may take them a while to come to terms.  OR you might just be surprised..

  10. i just went through the same thing this year

    explain to them that the sports not doing anything more for you and that you'd rather spend time out with your friends

    there's more to life and school than sports and you should enjoy the time you have

    best of luck

  11. "Hey, parents. I don't want to play football anymore."  

  12. Walk u to thenm and say it plain and simple. Don't be sarcastic . Just lay  it out and tell them you don't want to play any more.

  13. just tell them

    at a good time

    and tell them you dont want to do it

    and if they are still gonna make ya give a list of reasons why

    try it it may seem impossible but its not

  14. Mom Dad listen, i know you want me to play football but to tell you the truth, i dont rly want to. Ive played it for a while but its just not rly what i want to do. so if i could id rather not.

    and if they say you still have to, get kicked out. lol

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