
How do i tell my parents i want to act?

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i've always been the athlete of the family and my dads a coach for our high school my brothers before my have been grate athletes too but they have never show the intrest that i have my mothers told me that my dad loves the fact that i sit down and talk with him and break down game film with him she says the he just eats that up. but all thats kinda fake i dont want to to play sports right now i want to do what i love to do witch is sing and act. i got to do this up untill now couse im going into high school and i wont get to do both i have to choose and i want to choose singing and acting couse thats what i love to do. but i feel like if i tell my dad that i want to act it will break his heart couse my little brother just quit playing and im his last one that he has plus im the one that aways showed the most intrest so i want to tell him but i dont help me




  1. im sorry to tell you this but you shouldnt feel sorry about your father

    this is your life and you can do with it whatever you want

    its entirely up to you what you want to pursue in your life

    imagine if you did what your father wants you to,you will beregretting this for the rest of your life so dont risk it

    im not saying be abrupt to your father nor let him down in the worst way

    just break it to him gently and he will understand

    if he is a caring father,he will respect your decisions

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