
How do i tell my parents im pregnent???

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and "the guy"........he also, dose not know... and yes he is 17 also.




  1. Mum, dad I am pregnent.

    Edit: Mum, dad, prengent I am.

  2. you are just going to have to sit them down and tell them, but you should tell the father first so that he can be there with you. you will need his support emotionally when you tell them.

  3. well its not easy first you should tell the father so he can tell your paertns together and you soould go to the doctor to make shore sceond just sit them down and say mom i thinkk i am pregnet and see ware it goes,.......... good luck  

  4. If you can TOP, and keep it a secret.

    If you both want to keep it... Go with a favorite family member (aunt, uncle, grandparents) and expect Hard times ahead.

    No matter how, when or where expect alot of yelling, screaming and arguing.

    I hope this answers your question

  5. Tell 'em. If 17 is old enough to be a S****y girl having s*x, 17 is old enough to tell your parents, his parents, and him, himself

    Edit: I almost forgot...


  6. First you need to tell "the guy" to make sure he will support you and the baby and when you tell your parents.then you need to sit your parents down in a private place and then you just have to tell them.

    here something you could say:

    Mom and Dad over the years i have become a very responsible adult now and i have decided that i want a baby, and i am in a long-term-stable relationship. (Then you wait for their response and then you tell them your pregnant).

  7. mom, dad, congradulations, you are grandparents! can you believe it!

  8. Who knows.

  9. give them a condom and say "i should've used this..."

    tell your parents to pick up some diapers on their way to the pharmacy

    tell them you're pregnant. asap

  10. Just sit them down at the kitchen table and blurt it out. That's how I did it, anyway.

    They're going to find out one way or another.

  11. ok the first person you need to tell is the dad.He beyond any1 needs to know that you are having his child.Are you guys still together?Well it doesn't matter weither you are or you aren' to need to go together to tell your parents...if not him somebody.You need a friend with you no matter what.I remember when I was pregnant...I was 16 and I am now 17,I have a beautiful 6 month old baby girl.When I went to tell my mom and dad I brought my boyfriend(the dad)and my best friend.They both supported me and were backing me up on everything that I said.When I went up to my mom the first thing that came out of my mouth was "Mom,dad,I love mean allot to me and I 'm sorry" then they got worried and asked me what was wrong.I said "Look,I'm pregnant...I know I made a mistake and I'm sorry,your probably dissapointed in me,but right now I'm scared and I really need your support in this" then my boyfriend started talking and he said "We both made a mistake and we are very sorry in all of this...we will be responsible and take care of this baby no matter what happens" my mom and dad were speechless.Then all of a sudden after 5 mins of silence my dad pulled me,my boyfriend,and my friend in for a hug...he said "its ok...i understand,yes we are dissapointed in you but we can make this work....together" and then he left the room with my mom.To my suprise my dad was crying for the first time since I was 13.I was mom was crying and h**l so was I.But my boyfriend and my best friend cheered me up and now I get all the support that I need...good luck with you and ur baby!

  12. First learn to spell it then get it printed on a t-shirt -They may get the clue then.  

  13. be like "dude. im pregnant." to the guy. and to the parents, have the guy over fr dinner with them and just randomly come out and said "im pregnant, its his fault" and point

  14. "Mom, dad, I was irresponsible. I had unprotected s*x, and now I'm pregnant. Please don't be too angry with me. I'm scared right now and need your help."

  15. Pregnent, I don't know. But PREGNANT...., dad, since I am a legal adult and I am perfectly capable of supporting myself without your or government help, and I am in a long term stable relationship, I took the risk of having s*x and I have become pregnant...

    Oh. How about, mom and dad, help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Its pregnant not pregnent you should know that........Well tell your mom take a good seat and hold on........the say mom i made a mistake ...I know your going to be mad at me but im pregnant.....then your mom going to be speechless for about 45sec and denial for the next 30 sec then she's probably going to yell..then thats how your father is going to find out....then she's probably going to get you to tell your boyfriend and etc it should all go from there..

    remember it your decision to keep the baby not anyone elses!!

  17. i went to the health dept. and got a pregnancy test, and it came out positive. so when i went home that day, i told my mom that the doctor told me to get some prenatal vitamins.

    she got the point.

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