
How do i tell my parents the truth about me?

by  |  earlier

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i do drugs

i drink

im bi

im 14




  1. wow- thats alot to take in at once and i dont even know you.  i would start out saying something like- i need to talk to you and then just tell them.

    also - some advice, try to tell the parent that you usually get along with the most first and then after telling that one parent, have like a family meeting to confront the whole situation. hope i helped. if you need more support you can email me.

    please answer my question-

  2. Sit them down and tell them you have an issue that's been bothering you. I imagine that issue is what could be the root of your problem, the drinking and drugging. You need to tell them about your sexual feelings and get it over with. Having things locked in your heart and mind can cause you to go through a lot of changes. Then you might need to get some counseling to help you along.

  3. Megan

      I would ask to talk to them making sure there are no interruptions.

    You obviously want them to know what is going on - be honest and be prepared for them to be upset. It doesn't mean they do not love you but all the things you mention- just one of them will be hard for your parents to adjust to. Give them time and hopefully they will be there for you- They will be grateful that you are being honest- maybe not right away but they will come around and know what to do for you. Good luck

  4. When and if you tell them be prepared for some actions from them. Drinking and doing drugs at your age wil more then likly set them off.

    the bi thing. Your young and you can always come out with that later.. Enjoy your youth.  

  5. just straight out tell them, its the best way you can do it without breaking their hearts. but im proud of you for telling before it gets too late

  6. Honestly, I don't know how you could tell them, but here is a way that you could probably do it. Ask your parents for a moment of your time and then sit down and talk with them. Tell them everything you have done and tell them with detail, so that you don't leave anything out. Also, include why you did it.

  7. sit them down and just tell them. they are your parents they will still love you.

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