
How do i tell my son that I am going away for a while?

by  |  earlier

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I am joining the army, and, I have try to tell my 4 years old son that I have to go away for a while, sometimes He take it with eagerness, and then he will tell me not to go away and He will be extremely sad. I would like some advise to make him understand that i have to go but i still love him very much and it is for our own good.




  1. Explain to him that you are going on a mission to help the country and the family. Good luck to you.

  2. say that u r going to out for bringing things for him or say his i am going to bring toy for u

  3. Make him a memory box. Fill it with things that he will automatically think of you when he sees-maybe a few pictures of you both, a ball, your favourite book, some snacks you enjoy together (this was my sons idea!!!), things like that. Look through it together a few times before you leave, particularly when he's feelnig a bit down about it. Tell him just what you said here-that you love him very much but you have to go and look after some other daddies and mummies who can't look after themselves. Tell him you know he can look after his mummy (if she is in the picture) so he is in charge while you're gone. Then write a letter for after you have left to be read to him, saying the same things again, about how much you love him and that you will be sending him cuddles everyday.

    Also, try the moon thing.This is what my ex did when he and i split up and our 4 year old didn't understand. He said if ever he missed him, to look at the moon because they would be looking at the same one (I think he got it from that film American Tail...It worked though!!!).

    Good luck.

  4. tell him why you joined...he'll be sad but he'll cope. Take lots of pictures with him before you go and pictures of everywhere you go after you ship out, telling him what youre doing there-at camp,learning this and that, at a village or town helping them to do ... whatever, so he knows there's a reason for you to be there and mail or email them to him with your love. Call whenever you can.

  5. I'd try making an "away calendar" pick some stuff he likes for the theme and make it for how many days you'll be away...everyday he can put a sticker on the calendar or cross off a day somehow and count the days until daddy will be back!

  6. you know those carts at the mall where you can transfer picture to different things take him there with some good pics of you and him together and some of you that he likes goofy ones or maybe one of you in uniform and have them transfer some to some tshirts and a couple of pillow cases he can wear the shirts and show off his friend how cool his dad is also he can go to bed at night with you right there under his head.

    god bless

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