
How do i tell them????

by  |  earlier

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ok there are 2 guys in my grade that have massive crushes on me but i don't like them i flirt cus its wat i do how do i tell them that i just like flirting and i dont want anything between us




  1. you know how guys are.

    you have to say what you mean or they wont get the picture.

    just tell them straight up.

    good luck♥

    PS i wouldnt flirt as much too.  that might solve it =)

  2. You really shouldn't flirt with guys you don't like and making them think you do. I understand though what you mean you just like flirting. You need to tell them the truth that you don't like either of them and you didn't mean to hurt anyone feelings if you did.  

  3. Quit flirting with them.

  4. Stop flirting, that's an invitation for attention.

  5. Still flirt, just not with them. They will get the message, unless that doesn't work tell them flat-out that you aren't intterested for a relationship yet.

    Tell them it was just fun flirting.

  6. Tell them exactly that. You enjoy flirting with them, but you don't want it to go further.  

  7. Then stop flirting with them.  

  8. Tell them"Oh I am sorry,I am stupid I like to flirt because I have no sense and I like to  make guys think I like them while I am laughing behind there backs and wretching over the htoughts of romance with them!"

    I am NOT trying to be mean hon,I want YOU to realize EXACTLY what you have done and are doing.If your going to flirt like this, you are going to hurt people's feelings, anger them and people will lose respect for you.ALso the "hot guys" when you flirt with them, see it as a come on and as soon as they know you have the hots for them will NOT hesitate to use you for s*x and dump you.They will tell you the same thinsg your telling these guys you do not like.So do not say it is the fault of the guys you do not like,YOU are the instigator of their attentions hon.You made this mess now you have to fix it and the best way is to start by apologizing and telling them you are not romantically interested in them but just want to be friends and nothing more,that you are sorry for leading them on.They will respect you if for nothing else, your willingness to humiliate yourself by apologizing to them.
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