
How do i tell them the truth???

by Guest66668  |  earlier

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so my bf and i broke up... no big deal, then i discovered i was pregnant but it wasn't his. so i went back to him anyways cause i was out of a job and home and tired. told him it was his. he believed me, the kid was born, everything was a-ok. and then he, my bf died in a freak accident. so now his familys like we're so glad he has an heir blah blah and the babys gonna get all this stuff when it turns 18 and im like its not even his baby dude! but how do i tell them now? what could i possibly do??




  1. Tell them now. It's going to be heartbreaking and devastating for them, considering that they lost their son and now they are going to lose their grand child. You daughter and her biological father deserve to know each other and it's not fair to them that you continue to keep this a secret. The biological father is missing out on precious time and so is your daughter. You should have told your deceased bf and his family a long time ago. Don't let your situation dictate the future of your child. You didn't tell your deceased ex because you were out of a job and needed his help. That was selfish of you, you were only thinking about yourself and did not care who you deceived and the impact it would have on others. You can't let this go on any longer. His parents, you daughter and her biological father all need to know. I'm sure his parents will continue to love your child, because she's the innocent one and did not ask for any of this. Be woman enough and set things straight with them. That's quite a burden to be carrying around. Remember, whatever you do in the dark will come to light, may not be now but one day. You choose not to tell them now and one day they happen to find out, how do you think they will look at you? How would you expect them to react? How will it make you feel when it all comes out in the open w/o them hearing it from you?

  2. uve made more than jst the family happy.u made ur boyfriend happy.

    even though it was wrong, uve probly helped a family come together because of love for that baby.whether or not its the hes the real dad, hes the one hu took care of her.he gave her all his love, and so did his family.for her sake at least, she deserves happiness and stability.this family seems like it will be able to give her all those.

    gd luck hun

  3. Sorry about your bf. But you once lied u got to stick with that lie now cause u don't want to breack the families heart.

  4. It's too bad all of this has happened. The problem is in situations like this more than one answer could be right and you're the only one who is going to be able to judge it. What do you think your bf would want? Do you think he ever had an inkling the child wasn't his? Or would it have mattered to him? If you think he was the type of man who would have gone on being a father to this child it might not ever really matter. Don't go on with the lie for the sake of gain but if you really believe this man would have continued to love his daughter knowing it was not his blood child theres no real reason to remove his family from the child's life.

    On the other hand if you suspect the situation could become more difficult in the future, it's better to tell the truth now. The last thing you want is to betray your bfs memory.

    If you're going to tell the truth pick one of his family members who you think will take the news rationally and allow them to tell the others.

  5. uh.. first of all, wow.

    you need to tell your bf's family the truth. As hard as it may be for them, and for you, they need to know. Not only will you and your baby, and your babies family be living a lie, but you could run into legal issues if the baby stands to inherit anything (no, i cannot spell). Also, whoever the real father is needs to know that he has a two year old spawn walking around, even if he doesn't give a care. The truth may hurt, but once its out there, its out there. if his family rejects you and your child, so be it. Atleast you two can live in peace, knowing the truth, and not having guilt weigh you down. and what if they accept it, and still accept you and the baby, because they realize their son loved her, and so do u? then you've gained something, and your still free of that guilt.

    Go for the truth girl. *leaps onto the cliche wagon* the truth shall set you free!  

  6. don't tell any body

    u and ur died bf are only inter and Happy in ur girl

    when she became bigger u will tel her

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