
How do i throw away a computer?

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Is it just like any other piece of trash i put out on my curb, or is there a special protocol that i should follow because of any potentially harmful chemicals when disposed of.




  1. just throw it out from the windows but be sure you don`t stay on the first level.

  2. Check with your local trash hauler to see about recycling options.  You don't want to just "throw it away" given the chemical components.  Your local government website may have information on landfill/recycling centers and how to dispose of items like computers (appliances, TVs, construction material, etc...).

  3. I don´t know what the laws are where you reside.  In Europe you have to recycle your PC like the garbage.  

    Please before you throw away your pc, you remove your HDD.  If you don´t any person with forensic computer experience can strip the data off of your HDD.  And no matter what any software company tells you about cleaning your HDD 100% this is not true.

    The only way is to remove and beat the HDD with a hammer, then you can dump it and no one can strip the data.  

    Mind Doctor, France

  4. it has chemicals in it like mercury so contact your city to see what to do.

  5. Unless you're throwing away a 1970's minicomputer with gold solder, no. CRT monitors require special collection in some municipalities because they contain very large amounts lead and other heavy metals, but your actual microcomputer tower can generally go right out with the kitchen trash. I'm sure it's got toxins, lead solder for sure, but its no worse than a VCR, stereo, or any other piece of electronics. They've all got a few toxins here and there, and even in California, they go right into the dump.

    If it's not terribly old, though, why not put it on Craigslist's free section? Most machines made in thelastt decade have something that can be harvested for parts.

  6. If it is still working, reformat the hard drive as that will permenently delete all of you information. Then you can sell it for cash or donate it to a charity and bring joy to someone else. There are already to many computers in landfills.

    If it is not working, do not toss in trash as they are full of arsinec and poison peoples wells..  Take it to a recycling center that accept computers. I hope this helps.

  7. Follow the EPA instructions:

  8. check with local computer companies like repair shops, a lot of them will have free drop offs for old PCs

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