
How do i track my car with gps device installed?

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My car has a GPS Tracking device already installed how do i track the car on the internet?




  1. i think thats onlly in movies.

  2. " My car has a GPS Tracking device already installed how do i track the car on the Internet?"

    The average GPS receiver does not have a transmitter and will not allow you to track your truck or car so you will need a real GPS tracking device.

    Some vehicle have OnStar which can find the location of your vehicle and some use car dealers may install tracking device to keep track of their property till it it paid off.

    It really depends on what type of tracking device you have purchased. Some GPS tracking device only record where the vehicle has been and  you have to remove the tracking device to retrieve the route information. There are other GPS tracking device that uses GPRS and you can track it almost real time on the Internet, about every 2 minutes or so.

    There are also GPS devices that uses both GPRS and WiFi like the DASH navigation system.

    There are device like TomTom that you can sign up with TomTom Plus service  and track your friends that have TomTom Devices.

    There are AVL fleet tracking systems that you can use to track your GPS unit on the internet also.

    you can find out more by viewing these links

    Good Luck

  3. Gps vehicle tracking

    Ever been stunned by the disappearance of your vehicle when you were quite sure you had locked it up securely!! If you had installed a GPS vehicle-tracking device, you would not be tearing out your hair and screaming in anger. Installing such a device could make you calmer as it would help you to track the location of the car. Of course, in such a scenario, don?t tear off in a rush to heroically rescue your car! Contact the police and let their efficient teams track down the car and give the thief a nasty surprise.

    You want to know more about GPS vehicle tracking. Read on.

    A Basic Understanding of GPS

    GPS is the abbreviated form of Global Positioning System. There is a lot of mind-boggling technology involved, including the use of no less than something in outer space: satellites lazily circling our planet. Actually, the satellites are not lazy! They are putting in a lot of hard work. To put it in layman?s terms, a receiver in the vehicle captures signals from the satellite. These signals are transmitted when the GPS satellite system coordinates the latitude and the longitude points of the receiver. The coordinates themselves are based on what is known as the World Geodetic System 1984 (reference: The movement and locations of the vehicle are recorded in the system, and transmitted to the main control system, wherever it is set up.

    The System itself can be of 2 kinds: Active or Passive.

    An active system is one that literally checks up on the vehicle all along its route, even noting its speed limits and parking time.

    A passive system, on the other hand, merely records the various points of the vehicle?s route. This information is then downloaded on the vehicle?s return. This helps, for example, a bakery to keep track of a delivery van?s usage on a daily or a weekly basis. Suppose the driver returns abnormally late from delivering a box of cakes. The owner of the bakery will immediately know, via the downloaded information, whether the driver played truant and went off in a different direction. Detailed questioning of the driver will result in him admitting that he went to a friend?s house to watch a World Cup cricket match!

    What can a GPS track?

    A stolen vehicle

    A sailing vessel lost at sea

    A vehicle illegally entering private property

    Vehicle carrying cash to and fro from a Bank

    A Government vehicle carrying important documents

    A bombing target in times of war

    In short, a GPS vehicle tracker is a very effective mode of keeping an eye on anything that moves (and even when stationary), no matter how remote the location maybe. Of course, some GPS tracking devices may have restricted range.

    What else can a GPS vehicle tracker do?

    For one thing, it can be a wonderful first aid assistant to you when you are caught in the midst of an emergency. Let?s suppose you are unfortunately the victim of a head-on collision between your bike and an oncoming car. A passing police cruiser comes to your aid immediately. Realizing you require urgent medical attention, the men in blue are instantly able to summon assistance by locating the exact position of the nearest ambulance via their GPS receiver. This speedy response to your dire medical need is what saves your life.

    A GPS vehicle tracker also assists in the quick delivery of documents and parcels via courier vehicles. That chocolate gift basket you received on your birthday, those flowers you have delivered to your sweetheart on Valentine day, the dozens of pizza boxes that are delivered for your office party, all these, and more, are promptly sent via efficient transport vehicles equipped with GPS devices. It is the GPS vehicle tracker that keeps a check on the location of every vehicle and their routes.

    When you wish to go on a trip with your family in your camper, a GPS tracker in the vehicle will guide you down the right routes via its display screen. On the screen you can obtain precise locations of campsites where you can take a breather. You will also know in advance if the area you are approaching is undergoing major roadwork and the detour you need to take.

    The driver of a public bus may need assistance when he has a flat tire. He can immediately contact use the emergency button of the GPS device in the bus to contact the main bus station and request for help. Another bus can be sent to pick up the stranded passengers while the other is being attended to by mechanics.

    Some Types of GPS Vehicle Trackers

    One sophisticated type of a GPS Satellite Tracker is a device that you can mount in your vehicle to enable you to monitor its location in any region of the world. It has an external antenna and it can be remotely programmed via special software. You are provided with detailed street maps of various countries, which you can opt to buy separately. The cost could generally be above $1200.

    A GPS pocket tracker enables you to monitor the location of your car without the bother of wiring systems. You track the vehicle easily via your laptop or pocket PC. The cost could be about $200.

    Extra Notes

    In addition to the cost of the GPS tracking device, you may have to pay installation charges.

    For greater security, you can opt for a sound alarm system combined with a GPS tracker.

    You probably need to pay monthly usage fees.

    Confirm the warranty period and whether technical glitches are covered or cover is provided only if there is wear and tear in the wiring.

    If you are covertly going to place a GPS tracker on a vehicle unknown to the owner, be warned - You could be violating certain rules and regulations of your State.

    So keep your vehicle secure with a GPS vehicle tracker, an efficient and smart device to protect your wheels.

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