
How do i train a spider?

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How do i train a spider?




  1. Try rubbing it's fangs with your thumb to gain it's trust...

  2. Put it next to the water spout when it is about to rain.  See if it succeeds in climbing up the spout without being washed down.  If it does not, repeat until it does.

  3. hhaha whattt?

  4. With a big boot....ugh!

  5. Buy a "Spider training" book!

    Ewwww, no offense, but I HATE SPIDERS!!!


    I could never sleep knowing one was in my house!

  6. give it a cookie when its good :)))))

  7. ur kidding right?

  8. Tell it to sit.  If it moves, step on it.

  9. I'm sorry to tell you, but you cannot train a spider. They do not have a well functioning mind like other animals. Trust me. I have a tarantula and you cannot tame them. You cannot tame any invertebrate really, except for the octopus, cuttlefish, and squid. The reason for this is because, most invertebrates do not have a well built mind that has a functioning memory. Most invertebrates rely on pure instinct to survive. Since most invertebrates have no memory or signs of emotion, they unfortunately, cannot be tamed. You just have to know if your spider is an aggressive, defensive, or passive species.  Unlike other invertebrates, octopi and many other cephalopods are very intelligent, and most carry a mind of advanced thoughts. Believe it or not, an octopus is as smart as an intelligent domestic dog. They are known to be the smartest invertebrates, so far, on the planet. Unfortunately for you, you can't really tame your spider. If it is a passive or defensive species, you may have luck at the most, holding it. My Costa Rican zebra tarantula is a defensive species and I am able to hold it at certain times. The time I would recommend not to hold it is when it is guarding it's eggs or when it is active at night. You should hold it during the day when it is less active. Although, you shouldn't hold it too much, no matter if it is defensive or passive. If you hold a spider or any invertebrate daily, it may get over- stressed and die. Believe it or not, most invertebrates get stressed pretty easily, unlike birds and mammals. Most invertebrates cannot get used to other animal species interacting with them, especially the solitary ones.

    All in all, you cannot train many invertebrates, excluding the more advanced  cephalopods (i.e.- opctopus, squid, and cuttlefish). I wouldn't advise you to hold your spider very often. As stress can lead to death with many animals, including us. Remember, not all animals could take stress like others.

    P.S.- I don't really know why people are afraid of snakes, spiders and scorpions, or any other animal for that matter, excluding humans. The real monsters on this planet are us. Think about how many species went extinct from humans. An endangered  species is expected to go  extinct every twenty minutes, and it is caused by humans. We should really respect the world around us. Even the smallest creatures deserve respect and we aren't giving it to them. We were  the one of the last animals to come upon mother Earth, and look what we do to her. We are  the true monsters on our planet, and not even the most deadly deseases could take that title away from us.

  10. ummmmmm wow thats a hard question but i will have to say i dont know lol good luck  

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