
How do i train homing pigeons to be carrier pigeons?

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How do i train homing pigeons to be carrier pigeons?




  1. As you are using the term, they are the same thing.  (There is today a show breed called Carrier that was one used to carry messages, but today it's the racing homer that "carries".)

    Some of the pigeon supply companies still sell message containers for the leg -- UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE EVER use rubber bands to try to tie a message onto the leg.  It causes horrible damage to the leg.  Use the containers that are designed to go on the bird.

    As for homing them, which is what your other question was in another thread, please contact the American Racing Pigeon Union at and ask them for their beginner's booklet.  You might also ask them to refer you to a club that is local to you so you can check out loft setups and also talk to folks who can answer questions for you.

    You might also contact the International Federation of Homing Pigeon Fanciers (IF) at

    If you're in Canada, check out with the Canadian Racing Pigeon Union at:

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