I got my horse about 2 months ago, and in the begining everything was good, but as things have been progressing i have been tryin more things with him, like geting him to canter or gallop, which he will not do, and trying to get him to go home is horrid, he tosses his head and goes in circles and wants to go where he wants to, and so i have to get off and lead him away from "his area" that he wants to go to and then when i try to get back on he goes in circles, and tries to walk away, and when i try to get back on the saddle falls sideways and i get so frustrated i end up hitting his rump, and shoutin ho so he will stop, and it doesnt even affect him , but hes a sweetheart when were in the pasture together, he chases me around and nudges me walks right beside me so if anyone could give anytips that would be great thanks!